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Street smart: Leaving the house and walking on a busy city sidewalk.
Things to remember: Everyone isn’t your friend, deserve your smile, or wants a hug.
What’s the proper facade in public?
A dour expression.

My best advice for anyone walking in a crowd is to scan three people behind the one in front of you, and don’t make eye contact with any of them.
If you do offer your open face and twinkling eyes, what happens?
The other person may think you need them to talk to you, to explain themselves, and maybe show a little salsa dancing to drive it all home.
Not so much with this expression:

My wife told me to smile more.
“Don’t make such a dour face.”
“I’m not dour.”

Wife: Then what do you call it?
Me: Friendly.
Wife: Don’t look friendly.
Me: That’s my street smart super power. Friendly, but not looking friendly.
Wife: How can anyone tell?

Over the years I’ve heard more than my share of bullshit, offers, and promises.
I like to think I know when it’s authentic, when it’s coming from a real person.
Then things change.
Me: I call it my ‘Ben Affleck On A Date With His Wife’ face.
Wife: So this is your ‘Resting Ben face? Your RBF?’
Me: Something.
Wife: That’s what it looks like to me. What makes you look like this?
Me: A few things.

About David Gillaspie

I am a writer. This is my blog story day by day.