Regret free living is a goal to start out, then things change. One day anything is possible. The next? Not so much. Somehow we learn about our limitations, that we need to accept things as they are. But, correct me if I’m wrong, there’s still some wiggle room.
May 7, 2024 by David Gillaspie
Filed Under: What's Up Tagged With: 1000 words, accept things, big regrets, bigger, blog post, blogger, boomerpdx, commitment, couple, daughters, distill moments, endurance, family, faster, fortitude, grandkids, Hemingway, honeymoon, kids, king of the world, lift weights, limitations, lothario, MARRIAGE, married, mother's day, ok boomer, Portland, portland wedding, proposition, regret, regret free, reputation, run, sex, Social media, sports stars, stronger, strut, wedding, write, write more, writer, writing