With Thanksgiving a day away it’s time to change the boomer diet and fitness channel? Here at boomerpdx the answer is, “Why?” If you’re on a roll, keep rolling. Whether you’re losing weight and feeling good, making changes that matter, or just feel like annoying others with important data, don’t stop. One way to make […]
President Bill Clinton On Sports And Fitness
A good look at the media-tagged Explainer-in-Chief shows a slim man in good shape. And he should be. Bill Clinton had a big turn around after his heart surgery. He’s never looked better after finding the vegan diet. If he lived in Portland he’d probably consult the Happy Cow Healthy Eating Guide. Does this make him […]
Museum Boomers, pt 1
What To Do When You Say Enough To Stuff? Stuff comes to us in different ways. Sometimes we find it, sometimes we buy it. When we get too much stuff we have to make choices. If we have good stuff, we should make good choices. Baby boomers like making good choices. Giving stuff to museums […]