In a tradition unlike any other, the Oregon brewfest is more than tossing beers down on a hot day. It’s civic involvement. I’d like to think every big beer event carries similar goals. If it’s only about drinking beer you can do that in your garage, or living room, or backyard. But it’s […]
Where Field Research Makes ALL The Difference. The view from walking into a Hempfest: Lots of people stretched out asleep. Tables selling brownies and cookies beside the walk up. The sleepers were on the grass behind them. It looked like a scene from a Charlton Heston movie, one of those where he’s the last man […]
Wear The Colors At Oregon Brewfest. An important part of blogging and running a one man blog is getting the word out with custom advertising. And a beer hat. But the classy ad work is a must. Boomerpdx custom design: White T and a blue sharpie.