You’ve seen the boomer writer in a coffee shop, or at least used to before covid took up residence. They have a table, a backpack, and coffee, while they unpack like a campout. That’s the early stage. Later, they show their work place, a replica of the one they wanted to avoid, their home desk. […]
July 14, 2020 by David Gillaspie
Filed Under: What's Up Tagged With: BOOMER, Boomer Writer, covid, Hemingway, Love, new york, paris, writer, writer process, writer trap, writer work, writers work, writing goals, writing process
Portland, Boomer Writer Magnet
October 14, 2013 by David Gillaspie
Boomer NW Introduces Courtney Pierce. Like iron shavings on a magnet, baby boomer writers cling to Portland. Why? It’s not because lists 20 great American cities for writers. Not when Portland, Oregon comes in 17th with Jersey City, NJ and Iowa City, Iowa on either side. If you were a Milwaukie novelist where would you meet a […]
Filed Under: Who's Up Tagged With: Attic Institute, baby boomer, Barbara Duerwaarder, Better Smarter Richer, BOOMER, Boomer Writer, Boomer-Lit, Bread and Ink Cafe, Courtney Pierce, David Gillaspie, Hawthorne Fellow at the Attic Institute, Hawthorne Fellow, Jacobsen’s Books and More, June McCullough, Portland, Portland Boomer Writer