Throwback memories grow sharper with pictures we see, images of what was what from different times. Then time changes.
“Memories used to go back further, just ask around. Now the good old days are 2019.”
If that feeling rings anywhere close to you or someone you know, go ahead and take a review. This is a link to Mental Health America.
You know what to do? Click it and find a screening that applies to you, but keep this in mind:
Clicking any link could be a bad idea. I clicked the bipolar test. The first question had a long subset of twelve questions, then question #2:
If you checked YES to more than one of the above, have several of these ever happened during the same period of time?
Why does it sound like a trick question? Before we knew better, friends used to say things like, “How bi-polar of you,” to each other as a joke. The mental health slammer was always good for laughs.
Not So Funny During Covid Pandemic
The second page on the Mental Health America test is to register and submit, which you expected. I’m linking to share the questions in each mental health category.
Things change, you change, I change. If you feel depressed, check it out.
Again, I’m not pushing the site, but I like that it’s got quick access to gateway questions, in case you were wondering. Very comprehensive.
I gave the title of this post another glance, THROWBACK MEMORIES, OR GOOD MENTAL HJEALTH, and I heard a small voice ask, “But Dave, you’re a boomer blogger. Sex, drugs, rock and roll, right? Take the addiction test.”
So, I did. Aaaaaaaannnnnndddd, it’s like the test knew me better than I know myself.
Brand New Throwback Memories
After not clicking yes or no on the first four Addiction questions, which weren’t numbered for some reason, the fifth included a column of common addictions: Crack, heroin, opioids, cutting, the works.
I didn’t answer the first four questions, and didn’t check a box on the ten addictions, plus the catch-all:
Other (e.g. gambling, sex, internet, shopping, food, etc.)
I clicked the NEXT button for the next page, and whaddaya know, it wouldn’t go. What I got instead was a pop-up balloon over ‘Alcohol’ that said,
“Select This Checkbox.”
The hell is that? Then I got defensive with the website, like a belligerent drunk:
“Yeah, last year I did a No Drink November, that’s right, didn’t know that did you; this year I thought about it. I cut beer during the week so I’m clear to day-drink on weekends and I know what you’re thinking: ‘Four day weekends.’
“No, but three. With no dreaded ARI, or Alcohol Related Incident, I like the beer balance. So thanks for asking.”
Not funny? Just try and make today, the day you read this, a day in the throwback memories file. If you have someone special, make a memory together and remind each other.
If it’s just you, even if you’re surrounded by loved ones, but feel like it’s just you alone, what do you do? Find the right pictures.