Over the years I’ve had a ring side seat watching the most impressive entrepreneur I’ve seen.
My wife, Dr. Elaine Gillaspie, has changed her focus as times have changed.
Beginning in Northwest Portland as a doc in an existing clinic, she opened her own practice in partnership with another Naturopath, then moved to SW Capitol Hwy and added a leasing business to her medical practice.
Along with watching her grow and expand her business at Portland Wellness, many new people entered our lives through the new clinic.
While she focused on women’s health issues, she also developed a patient list for aesthetic medicine by creating Dr. Mole and her website drmolepdx.com. She gained notice with her skills in removing moles with a specialized tool, the Ellman Surgitron.
Dr. Gillaspie was so adept at mole removal that she was hired by one of the biggest cosmetic surgery providers in Oregon, Dr. Darm in Lake Oswego. She was the lead mole removal expert, the go-to doctor for her specialty, mole removal.
Before moving her practice closer to home, Dr. Gillaspie was the top listed mole specialist on yelp.com. But the address change of her business didn’t agree with yelp and all of her rave reviews were lost.
Just another challenge for the ambitious entrepreneur, one of many.
An amazing thought running through yelp reviews left by her patients was the great relief they shared. Some called it life changing to see themselves for the beauty they are instead of ‘if only I didn’t have moles.’
Every medical procedure is a huge decision, but few have as visible results as mole removal. What to others is a minor issue, a person who wants an opinion of mole removal feels the weight of the decision.
One day they see themselves as they always have before visiting Dr. Gillaspie. After she works with them they see a different side, the side they share with the rest of their world, and the response in return comes from a different place.
Some reviews noted a long term desire to do something about skin issues they’ve lived with. Dr. Gillaspie answered their questions.
Do you have questions? Is someone you know investigating a change in their appearance? Click on the ad at the bottom of the page for details.