(Based on the top five search terms over the past month post: Ben Affleck Batman, Grateful Dead Show, young and old people, Baby Boomers pdx, www.babyboomerssocialclub.com) Young and old people alike share an opinion on the Ben Affleck-Batman. Too young, too old, not super hero enough. And they’re all wrong. Do they know Ben’s comic super hero cred? Doubtful. Google one […]
Boomerpdx Search Engine And Discover
November 3, 2013 by David Gillaspie
Filed Under: BOOMER BLOGGER Tagged With: baby boomers pdx, Batman, Ben Affleck Batman, boomerpdx, Boston, David Gillaspie, Gotham City, grateful dead show, Kevin Smith, KOIN tower, oregon historical society, Portland Art Museum, Portland Park Blocks, search engine terms, The Heathman, www.babyboomerssocialclub.com, young and old people