Who is writing books, or more accurately, who writes books that people read? A book no one reads is like a tree falling in the forest when no one’s around. Does it make a noise? One thing we know for sure, Colin Kaepernick has made a noise. By not saying anything. […]
Wilt The Chopper; Wilt’s Son An Axeman A recent Sports Illustrated cover showed a man calling himself Wilt’s son. Why on the cover and why Wilt Chamberlain? The Big Dipper is called the most transformative athlete in sports. At least in basketball. That ought to be enough. But he’s dead. Been dead a while. […]
Fans of championship NBA teams know the true meaning of a victory in the first game of the playoffs. Business as usual is their attitude. Not in Portland. Trail Blazer fans don’t know business as usual. The first round of the playoffs might be the second season for good teams, but in Portland there’s only […]
The Sports Difference
A recent article in The Atlantic Monthly asks how sports took over childhood. It was investigative. A recent book with a plug on PBS compares the money spent per American student and other nations, with a snide dig at our side with “four hours of football practice a day.” Both miss their mark. Here’s hoping […]