Baby Boomers Saw The First Televised Political Debate With Nixon And Kennedy. The first televised political debate pitted seasoned pro Vice President Nixon against the young newcomer Senator John Kennedy. The young charger was four years younger than Nixon. They squared up for the biggest political prize in the land, leader of the free world. […]
October 16, 2015 by David Gillaspie
Filed Under: What's Up Tagged With: America, American President, baby boomer, Baby Boomer blogger, Bay of Pigs, BOOMER, boomerpdx, candidates debate, china, democrat, Eisenhower, JFK, john kennedy, Kennedy, Krushchev, Mao, Nixon, Ollie North, Oregon, political debate, PORTLAND BABY BOOMERS, Portland Oregon, presidential candidates, Putin, reagan administration, republican, Russia, televised debate, television, Xi Jinping