Two tables are ready. Those are the magic words for a big dinner party. Unless it’s a big dinner at your house and you want one table instead of two tables. Then what? Crowd in. This is no restaurant, this is back deck dinner. Careful where you sit if you’re wearing white, it might not […]
It’s Easy Until You Try. Portland baby boomers, Oregon baby boomers, or what the hell ALL baby boomers, know how to let go. We’ve doing it for years. Sometimes with help we don’t ask for. Think of the era boomers grew up in. Let go of the old and embrace the new. We were young […]
Portland Baby Boomers Retire: Then What?
One thing is certain with all the baby boomer retirement ideas: No matter what they do, it’ll be wrong. The backlash on what’s taken for granted today, like equal rights, environmental awareness, and women’s right to choose, started from the boomer beginning. Who hasn’t heard racial slurs and been shocked that grandma didn’t know times had […]