One health plan: don’t get sick. After that it’s a roll of the dice. But chances are pretty good you will come down with something, hopefully not THAT something, the devastating something that shakes so hard that all of the leaves and nuts and fruit fall off your tree. With that in mind, let’s start […]
December 29, 2024 by David Gillaspie
Filed Under: What's Up Tagged With: Authority, blog, blogger, continuation, evolutionary process, facebook, fun and games, get laid, get sick, gimmick diets, health, health plan, history, hook up, human existence, illness, influencers, involuntary, involuntary celibate, male influencers, manners, media manners, medicine, new science, pity sex, produce content, sales pitch, scroll, sick, Social media, social media manners, troll, twitter, water, water boy, X