You look at a patch of ground in the yard and wonder, ‘could that mess every grow anything worthwhile, worth eating?’ So you throw some seeds one year, sprinkle some water. And nothing. After hardscaping with walls and patios, cleared space to grow vegetables one proud day, you end up with a bowl of rocks. […]
One Baby Boomer Dive of Dives
It’s a common story, though one played out a little later than most. A successful person comes to grips with their dreams and acts on them. Then they lose everything. Is it a character problem? Genetic? Or just a sign of the times? Jane Doe (a made up name, but you knew that) rises in […]
How To Attend A Baby Boomer Gay Marriage
Have you been at the altar for a gay marriage? In the audience? If so, which part of the ceremony was evil enough to mark the couples for death like the suggestion reported in the Huffington Post? As a life guide the Bible leads the way. In the hands of hate-mongers it leads astray. Get back […]