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Baby Boomers In Ruin

Why do they ruin everything? They don’t. Joe Klein, the crackerjack political writer, looked at the day and said, “Baby Boomers Ruined The Government.” He hammers the spike further into the ‘Peace, Love, and Understanding’ generation with, “The U.S. can lay the blame for its current political mess at the feet of my generation.” Boomer PDX […]

Boomer Business or Marriage Counseling

If you’ve been married long enough to eat the rest of the wedding cake you saved in the freezer, chances are you’ve heard about Marriage Counseling. If you’ve been in business for yourself there’s an equal chance you’ve talked to someone about better business tactics. Why not cut the time in half by talking to […]

The Boomer Bulldog Difference, 2053

Experts say you lay the tracks for the rest of your life early. Boomer NW says it happens in high school football. Nothing in early childhood prepares kids to deal with the success and failure of sports. You didn’t get the ‘right’ bike at Christmas? And you feel bad? Even cheated? Maybe got your feelings […]

Pat Conroy’s Nobel Prize

It hasn’t happened yet, but BoomerPDX predicts it For Pat Conroy. The name Santini means one thing: Pat Conroy. And he might come to your town. Maybe not your own town, but lots of them on this version of Book Tour. If you’ve seen Mr. Conroy’s reading/signing, tell boomerpdx how it went. Most authors do […]

Boomerpdx On Momba’s Best Run

Are The Ducks Better Without De’Anthony? Come on, man. He’s been out of action, but Thomas’s game impact crosses all borders. Every sports fan watches harder when he touches the ball. Every defensive player knows their best isn’t good enough when he’s in the game. And every coach wants a player just like him. He […]

The Car, The War

What’s the difference between a mobile society and a mobile war? You find out when the warriors hang up their guns. It’s how they drive down their familiar town road after trailing an IED blast in Iraq. Drive faster? Slower? Don’t drive?

No-Divorce Baby Boomers

Just when it seems everyone’s had enough of boomers, there’s more. They’ll work long enough to keep younger generations out of the big jobs. They’ll live long enough to bankrupt Social Security. And they’ll complain enough until they get what they want. What do they want most?

Boomer Exercise Translations, pt 2

Get Strong, Stay Strong. But First, A Cup Of Tea. Continued from Part 1. (From the original English.) listed twenty things exercise does. Baby boomer fitness works right in there. Those three words, baby and boomer and fitness, have become code for erectile dysfunction. Does exercise help ED? How can it hurt? 10. Helps with […]

Translation For Boomer Exercise, pt 1

From The UK, (not the picture.) Exercise changes with each border. It’s a cultural deal. What doesn’t change is the effect on the human body. A Zoomba class in the picture shows proof. What follows uses UK ideas applied to America. Then applied to baby boomers. That’s what boomerpdx does. It’s a cultural deal. Get ready to […]

Time And The Baby Boomer Naturopath

Diet And Exercise In The Medicine Cabinet. When eating right and working out hits the news as good medicine you know something happened. Writer Alexandra Sifferlin begins her article, Just Say No: When It Makes Sense Not to Take Your Medicine, with these words: “It sounds like something a quack would support, but it’s true.”