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Portland, Boomer Writer Magnet

Boomer NW Introduces Courtney Pierce. Like iron shavings on a magnet, baby boomer writers cling to Portland. Why? It’s not because lists 20 great American cities for writers. Not when Portland, Oregon comes in 17th with Jersey City, NJ and Iowa City, Iowa on either side. If you were a Milwaukie novelist where would you meet a […]

Baby Boomer Marketing: Peace And Release

Do You Know A Boomer?   Portland baby boomers, like all boomers, are not a rare breed. They’re not like NFL players or Olympians. Do you know one of them? Boomers live next door, stand in line, drive their own car. But how do you reach them? Check their history.

Estate Planning For NW Boomers

When the day comes to estate plan and you’re not there, what happens? If you didn’t make the sort of legal decisions that put your resources where you want them to go, who will decide? In other words, if you don’t have your ducks in a row, someone else will line them up. This happens […]

Your Phil Knight Moment

Sharing a new UofO grad and a Phil Knight moment. The University of Oregon drew much attention recently for images of their new football facility. Comments ranging from “it looks like a corporate retreat,” to “why do the Ducks need this,” sprang up in response to the new buildings. Eugene locals see it as another […]

Boomer History 101

If Your Boomer Man Seems Confused, Here’s Why: It starts with ‘Old School’ and how do you define it. Yes, it’s the title of a Will Farrell movie, but move along. Old School in 2013 could mean the 1980′s, bumped to the 1990′s for twenty-somethings. It works for shorter attention spans, but not longer. Wiki […]

Putin To Portland Baby Boomers

Boomer Dating Gets A Boost. News of Russian President, Prime Minister, Party Leader, and Head of KGB Vladimir Putin’s divorce shocked the homeland. While his fellow citizens in the ultimate red state reacted to their leader’s decision, Portland boomers have a new role model. Putin is a man of the people, in that he’s as frightening […]

The Blazer’s Bait

The NBA needs an update on the benefits of playing in Portland. Players have the wrong ideas about the Rose City. Instead of letting the fallacies surrounding the great northwest ride another season, let’s clear things up.

Boomer House

First Published On (click on over)   Memo to young families: Pay attention to other parents as the years pass. You’ll see them again. My kids are in their twenties now, but for one pre-school birthday we invited kids and moms from the class. I was too busy on the ‘entertainment’ side and didn’t notice the adults. Working […]


NO ONE WANTS TO FINISH FIRST As a writer on Baby Boomer culture, one aspect is unavoidable: end of life decisions for us and our parents. It’s not an every day thought until the time comes, then it’s an every minute thought. One day you’re out on the football field playing while your parents cheer […]