Art people live in every state, every country.
This map shows state size based on population.
Oregon looks pretty small compared to New Jersey.
What follows are Oregon art people.
This is the gym where I’ve spent the most gym time watching my kids play sports.
It wasn’t basketball.
The other gym I’ve spent more time in was torn down.
This one isn’t going anywhere soon.
Last Saturday and Sunday the place was packed.
I went in looking for my favorite photographer: Charlie Sandbo.
I found him along with sculptors, welders, textile artists, print makers, and the works.
The only thing bigger than people making art is people needing art.
Who needs art?
Do anyone in Wyoming need art? From the size of it in the map, maybe one or two.
How many Connecticuts would fit in Wyoming? Four? Five?
From current evidence, Oregon needs art, Oregonians need to make art, and schools like Tigard take part.
Why Art? Ask Kurt Vonnegut
Kurt says:
“The arts … are a very human way of making life more bearable. Practicing an art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow …
Sing in the shower.
Dance to the radio.
Tell stories.
Write a poem to a friend, even a lousy poem. Do it as well as you possibly can. You will get an enormous reward.
You will have created something.”
Kurt Vonnegut
In other words, fart around.
When someone as well known as Kurt Vonnegut says fart around, you fart around.
Doing some fart around with art is the answer to the question, “What is the best way to spend time?”
Make art.
But remember, raising a family is also an art form.
From ten years ago. Give it a click.
My kids and their friends have been in the same team pictures that were shown on the wall.
From football to wrestling to water polo and track, they stood before the camera.
Now they are rounding out as good citizens, writers, musicians, and expecting parents.
Sounds like full circle to me.
Add community involvement and I see things taking a turn for the good in these tumultuous times.
Add state champions to the mix and you’ve got a good chance to stand up to the hard things.
Why State Champions?
Back in the days before television broadcast sporting events nonstop, athletes had a different persona.
They were lumbering knuckle draggers who took too many hits to the head to make normal sense.
At least that was a perception among the genteel classes.
It was also before everyone had a fair chance to compete.
Eventually a few daring kids from the right side of the tracks reached the top of their sports and the attitude changed.
You could do well in sports and school? Who knew?
Once a few kids make an effort and succeed, more follow.
There’s hope they will intervene when hate rises in town.
They have learned how to make a name for themselves and hopefully learned how to raise others up.
If they are confronted with, or witness, a hate event they have a better chance of landing on the correct side of things.
Smart enough, strong enough, and willing to make a difference.
Doesn’t that sound like a recipe for creating art?
It does to me, too.
Do you want to show who you are? Create art, Oregon art.