Moobs, or man-boobs, are no one’s idea of body building. Moobs are not a goal.
Instead, they are the enemy of aging.
No need to ask a guy how old they are if they have moobs; they are moobs years old.
The best part of men with man boobs is hearing their opinion on others in the gym.
“They need to work on their upper body,” says the guy with the droop.
It’s like they’ve never seen themselves in a mirror.
Every time I hear saggy men make comments about others, I remember the Seinfeld episode where Kramer and Frank Costanza dance the cha-cha.
Moobs Workout
Unless a man shrinks down to skin and bones in the cause of fitness, man boobs are part of aging.
Do they need to be so prominent? Is there a solution to this problem?
First, let’s define the problem. If there isn’t an issue with this beach scene, then there’s no problem with man boobs.

Aside from their beach togs and impressive bellies, the guys shown above could benefit from incline bench work.
It goes like this:
Find a bench in the gym that tilts back so your head is up and you sit on a padded section.
With just the bar, put your hands in the middle and grip it. Then raise it off the hooks and push it overhead.
Adjust your hands when you bring it down because the placement on the bar might too tight for some of you.
Pretend, while you grip the bar, that you’re bending the ends down by pushing your thumbs up just a little to hit upper chest muscle. Those just under the collar bones are the target.
Do fifteen slow reps in a set, then add weight in small amounts. Maybe tens on each side, then move up.
What happens is this: the muscles connecting your shoulders to your body kick in on the incline bench. The results are like a lift, a natural moob-lift.
The tight grip helps the muscle on the inside of your chest, and as you increase weight, move your hands out to shoulder width.
Eventually you’ll feel upper back muscle helping out. An arched back between shoulders and hips is better than a flat back, but don’t raise off the seat.
How Much?
Do five sets of ten reps or higher. In between, use the rest time to stretch your legs. Do lateral body weight squats, quad pulls, and hammy hang toe touchers. Do this gently.
Next, find a flat bench and light, to medium, dumbbells. Rest them on your thighs with your hands in he neutral position, like you’re shaking someone’s hand.
Lean back and lay down with the weights close to your body, then push straight up. Be sure to keep your shoulders low, not tensed up to your neck.
Push the weight up, but when you bring it back down, only go far enough until your elbows are at right angles.
It’s a wider lift to hit a variety of chest muscle.
Moobs For Life
Whether this exercise works on man boobs, or not, the real benefit is better posture.
Why is better posture good? Too often we develop aches and pains from what we do, and if we’re hunched over a key board too long, we pay the price.
Widening your chest, along with deepening from front to back, is a confidence builder. You may still have moobs, but they’re strong.
And here’s the kicker: The chest work also helps neck muscle. So go ahead and unbutton that shirt just a little to show that new and improved neck.
Don’t expect anyone to notice any improvements. You know what it takes, and you do it.
And that’s enough, for now. However, if you want to be noticed, do a little diet work, too. Maybe a lot of diet work?