Masked men and women send a message to all who see them:
“I don’t plan on killing you,” is the message.
“Don’t blame me if you get coronavirus,” is the mask subtext.
What they aren’t saying:
“I’m not afraid of covid-19,” because they are, I am, and if you’ve ever been deathly ill, you are afraid too.
Fear is a big driver. Hate is a big driver. But you and I are driving, not fear and hate.
A mask isn’t the mark of the ‘sheeple’ who do what they’re told and fall into line on command.
I get that we don’t like being told what to do, but it’s not the same as your momma telling you to eat your vegetables, or clean your plate, or make your bed.
Does anyone check on vegetable eating, plate cleaning, or bed making? Only if you’re in the Army, or another service, and you have a teacher / Drill Sergeant.
Eat, Not Talk

We ate anything on the plate as fast as we could. Those in charge had timers and we were done eating when they said we were done eating.
What wasn’t choked down got scraped off in the garbage.
And we made our beds tight enough to bounce a quarter. Non-service people see a scene from a movie where some instructor goes ape-shit on a poorly made bed and tips it on the floor and it’s funny.
Not so funny when it’s your bed and he kicks it while giving a purple-faced screaming reminder on why we make beds.
Ask me what happens with a messy locker, an unsecured trunk, or unshined brass. Those trainers were like motivational speakers with an edge of violence that demanded our attention. All in all they put on a great show.
It was a comedy when it was a bed or locker on the other side of the bay; as long as it was across the shiniest floor in the world it was funny.
Celebrating Masked Men And Women

Wearing a mask is a silent signal of the times.
What does it signal? Not what I saw in frantic people screaming and crying about their hair, their nails, or their rights. The signal isn’t about appearance as much as it’s about not spreading disease accidentally.
Someone with a lower mental capacity than average sees a different message. Besides quarantine weight, natural hair color, and snaggy claws, they feel a mask marks them as part of the problem.
“I don’t need a mask, you oppressive bastards, because I’m not sick,” is the rally cry.
But that’s missing the point, like playing basketball with a football. Sure, it’s a ball, just not the right ball.
Not Down With The Sickness

If you’re wondering why everyone in this image is masked up, then you’ve been living lucky and never had a medical problem that required intervention.
They are medical professionals in a vulnerable spot, an infectious moment. Their masks keep their cooties out of vulnerable areas, like the patient on the table.
It wasn’t always like that.

As science improved, so did outcomes.
Modern science says wearing a mask prevents both the spread and acquisition of disease.
Science stands over social embarrassment of masked men and women. Compare the sound of anti-mask wearing protests to the sound made like if doctors across the land decided to forego masks in surgery and their patients died of iatrogenic infections.
The Mask Role Model In Chief

When Mr. Trump wears a mask, you know it’s serious.
He said he doesn’t like wearing a mask, which is no surprise. Who wants to wear a mask? For him it’s a situational deal, as if the coronavirus knows when to take time off.
I’m glad to see a mask on Mr. Trump’s face so his stanchest fans get the message. After seeing the cycle of life a few times, the ending isn’t always happy, positive, or nice.
The last thing I want to hear about is another preventable death.
Masked Men Prevent Complications

In this image the doctors and nurses wear surgical masks; Kramer and Seinfeld don’t.
If Kramer had been wearing a mask he wouldn’t have been eating Junior Mints.
Don’t be like Kramer. Wear a mask.