A fat shamer in a family of big people is a problem.
Especially if it’s coming from a fat man who doesn’t know they’re fat.
Look around and you’ll see them.
More likely you’ll hear them.
Fat Man: Look at that woman. She must be blind. Who would go out looking like that?
He says it while wearing a sport hoodie with pizza stains from the night before.
Fat Man: If that was my wife I’d say something.
He says through a mouthful of McDonald’s finest.
Fat Man: People ought to know better, you know. Be more aware.
Fat Shamer Point Of View
How long have you had your opinion of big people?
Fat Man: Ever since I gained fifty pounds and haven’t been able to shake it off.
Would call yourself fat?
Fat Man: I’m not fat like a powerlifter isn’t fat. They’re strong.
So you are a powerlifter?
Fat Man: No, but that’s not the point. I look like I could be so no one can call me fat.
Have you ever been called fat?
Fat Man: Not more than once. I nip it in the bud.
How does this work since you seem to be a constant fat shamer.
Fat Man: I live in the real world, buddy. And I can’t have an opinion?
What are those opinions? Where do they come from. Tell us about your childhood.
Fat Man: What is this, a therapy session. I like seeing people keep themselves in shape. There’s nothing wrong with that.
You don’t think it’s odd that you want people to maintain their appearance when you don’t?
Fat Man: I have the right of free speech, pal. Do you know what that is? Probably not. I’d show you but I left my pocket constitution in my other hoodie.
Fat Shamer Bill Of Rights
You don’t have to accept the same criticism you use on other people.
You do a public service by pointing out bad habits in others.
An extra three scoops of ice cream is normal.
If you don’t grow, you shrink.
The people who complain about fat shamers are actually grateful for the attention.
Everyday is your special day to point out overweight people to their face.
Favorite Holiday For Fat Shaming
Once you pop the cork on fat shaming you can never get the bubbles back in the bottle.
A fat man pointing out that big people create the food shortages of the future won’t live long enough to see if their prophesy comes true.
The same man who sits glued to the media of their choice, from online to television, radio to print, finds acceptance for their poor behavior from those with worse behavior.
When a television personality man with flopping moobs, loose arms with flagging triceps, and a gut with a hangover bigger than boot camp trainees after their first time off-base rants on people’s looks, it opens a door.
If a man seen as the leader of the free world during a one term presidency uses the platform to shit-talk incessantly, then continue once he’s voted out but doesn’t want to go, the door opens a little wider.
What comes through that door are needy men who want to make their mark on the world.
The big difference between them and a dandy in his late seventies strutting like the school bully in thousand dollar suits, an engineered hair-do, and blended skin tones filling and hiding their real face is too big to overcome.
To show their allegiance to the man who wipes his feet on them, they say thank you.
How many have given thanks from jail for doing his bidding?
Before you sit down with your people, whoever they may be, remember who is invited and who is not.
No one invites a bigoted blowhard to Thanksgiving who feels it his duty to run his mouth on everything from disease control, arms control, and border control when he can’t control himself.
If the fat shamer in exile wasn’t ‘t invited to your table, leave him outside where he belongs.