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Have you seen the dental form that asks how you feel? How do you feel about dentists? About making dental appointments? How do you feel about waiting in the dentist’s waiting room? This isn’t about uncovering deep secrets, just a way for the doc to get a feel for their patient. It’s about feelings, and […]

Caregiving For The Baby Boomer Spouse

3 Ways To Lead, Follow, Or Get Out Of The Way. Who can name the ‘Do Your Own Thing’ generation? How about the ‘March To The Beat Of A Different Drummer’ generation? Or the ‘If You Love Something Set It Free’ generation? The ‘Me’ generation? The one with ‘Radicals And Freaks?’ On a blog called […]

Connecting Boomer Exercise And Writing

Talk writing with a boomer, with anyone, and you hear a common story. “I’m going to write my novel (memoir, short story, or poem) when I retire. Or, “I’ve got it all figured out in my mind. Now all I need to do is find the time.” Or, “I’d like to write something, but all […]

A Gift For The Baby Boomer Smoker: Gut Punch Therapy

And It’s Not A Carton Of Marlboro Red Even a smoker smells it. They may stink up a car with their smoky clothes and breath, but they’ll know if another smoker has been there. Will they complain about the bad effects of second hand smoke? Of course. Smokers come in all shapes and sizes and […]

The Best Medicine Not In The Cabinet

When the New York Times posts on Facebook you know it’s an important subject. Newspapers in the digital age can’t afford to waste print. Is it war in the Middle East? Famine in Africa? Economic doom in America? Is sweating good for you? It’s all of the above, but the last one is tricky.

Baby Boomer Women To The Rescue

It sounds like modern medicine is taking a step backward with food and activity. No one suggests blood sucking leaches for health, or eliminating CAT scans or MRI. It’s more about what you do with what you find. Instead of tossing a chemistry lab for new remedies, a couple of doctors with research help are […]

Portland Boomer Thinks About Losing Weight?

Not For Long Let’s agree that you are thoughtful and considerate, that you know how to do the right thing and make an effort to do just that. So far so good? In addition, since you are a Portland baby boomer, a boomer living somewhere else, or just know boomers, you’ve had time to consider the […]

Baby Boomer Thanksgiving Restarts

The idea of a restart sounds like doing something new. A closer look shows something different. You restart after you start, then stop, and start again. The start and stop part makes it sound like you quit. Don’t fall for that trap. Restarting doesn’t always follow quitting. No one likes a quitter, but who doesn’t […]

Macular Degeneration in SE Portland

What To Expect When You Visit Oregon Commission For The Blind. I can’t say how I’d respond to the news, but I hope it would be as well as my mother in law Judy’s reaction when she learned she had macular degeneration. But probably not. This woman is the biggest reader I’ve ever known, the […]

Too Expensive For Boomer Exercise? Probably Not

Breaking Down The Numbers (approximate values) What to do about rising co-pays, premiums, and fees from the insurance and medical billing? First, make an appointment with a Naturopathic Doctor for a baseline health analysis. Find an ND you like. Here’s mine. Then find a gym.