Bill Gates is not a doctor. Nor is he a college graduate. So how is it he’s smart enough to know the difference between HIV and HPV?
This is a man smart enough to give medical advice to the most powerful man in the world, leader of the Free World, President Donald Trump.
One letter separates the H and V, one a vowel, one a consonant.
If the differences between hpv and hiv are a mystery, were a mystery, and you’re still curious enough without first hand experience, let’s get started.
Both diseases start with an H, which stands for H-uman. Human.
One is human papiloma virus. HPV.
The other is human immunodeficiency virus. HIV.
Each has an end game. Hpv can include a cancer death; Hiv an AIDS death. Neither is a winning spin on the wheel of life, but you do your best.
That’s what Bill Gates did when he helped Mr. Trump understand the difference between the two. How did that conversation go? Probably as expected since something as important sounding as ‘security briefings’ gets delivered in a condensed version.
If Mr. Trump got it the first time he wouldn’t have asked twice?
Consider the other side of the coin. Mr. Trump was dating in the seventies, eighties, nineties, the oughts, the teens, his dating habits national news. It was his Vietnam. Whether true, half true, or a little true, the raw numbers paint a picture of probability.
From with links to the Center for Disease Control:
Approximately 79 million Americans are infected with HPV right now and 14 million new diagnoses will happen this year alone. Almost anyone sexually active will get at least one type of HPV during their lifetime.
Most people with HPV don’t know they’re infected and experience no symptoms. If you have HPV, it doesn’t mean you’ll develop cervical cancer. Knowing you have a high-risk type of HPV will help you and your doctor come up with a plan to help reduce your risk for cervical cancer.
If you’ve been flamboyantly active on the sexual front for decade after decade like Mr. Trump, unless it’s all ‘locker room talk,’ then he knows as much about HPV and STDs and STIs as the next gynecologist and urologist, ENT and proctologist, hematologist and radiologist.
The old fox was having himself a little fun with Bill Gates. Making the smart guy in the room think you’re stupid creates a sort of empathy. Sales 101?
Mr. Trump’s doctor reported him as the most fit man to ever sit as president, so he’s got that going for him.
The next time Bill Gates and Mr. Trump get together, lets hope for more than tabloid worthy results. Come on the two of you, take note of England’s Prince Harry, aka Henry Charles Albert David, aka created Duke of Sussex, Earl of Dumbarton and Baron Kilkeel.
Here’s a public man, a man of the world, one of the most recognizable people on earth, who decides to take an AIDS test on live camera with two million people watching. Duty to his fellow man doesn’t include this on the ‘prince’ job description, but is part of being human.
A reported huge surge in AIDS testing resulted.
Bill Gates and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation do work around the world we never hear about. Like Mr. Trump, the Gates Foundation leads their followers to a better place; like the Gates Foundation, Mr. Trump could take the magic moment and demonstrate some heart like Prince Harry.