Every month a group meets to discuss their entrepreneurial progress.
Why? Because there’s something magical about belonging to a group of motivated people breaking new ground.
Most are baby boomers, or have the spirit. They’ve broken new ground, old ground, and everything else most of their lives.
If they’re not all boomers, then they’ve earned the honorary title.
These are people who impact others’ lives. They make things, do things, and give the sort of helping hand that makes a difference.
They are lively to say the least. They come in to sharpen their edge.
During a two hour meeting hosted by Jackie Peterson of Better Smarter Richer, each participant gives an overview of what’s happened since the last meeting.
It all happens in the PCC Climb Center. Head for OMSI and look for this:
Every meeting needs a blogger, so I’ll go first.
Last month, November, recorded my biggest traffic at boomerpdx. Unlike the others in the meeting I don’t make things, or do things, or give a helping hand. Instead, I write, and sometimes that’s enough.
My posts generated responses from Puppet Labs, Oregon Historical Society, and yet no free beer offers from pubs I’ve profiled. Probably a good thing considering the Blogger’s Code Of Ethics.
From the rest of the meeting:
Jane Conboy, CH spoke about www.janeconboy.com and Better Health Hypnosis. Contact her at 503-703-3703
Simon Bosley of SharePoint Consulting and Bosley Consulting discussed his work in information sharing. Consult with him at 503-265-9758
Deborah Bell, professional counseling for adults, children, and families, takes calls at 503-789-1263.
Barb Deurwaarder, your estate planning navigator at Deur Counsel, LLC, sets appointments at 503-451-0080.
Emily Clark of The Supple Rider asks, “Do you take better care of your horse than you do yourself?” Find her at http://thesupplerider.com/.
The natural question at this point is why does a meeting with these people need a blogger? I explained it like this: “If anyone here would like to add a specific, or timely reminder, to my post, send me an email.”
I also added that I’d be doing a post whether emailed or not. That’s what bloggers do. At least that’s what they should do, find compelling people and events and put them together.
Do you read blogs? Blogs related to topics of need?
The people I listed deal with needs of all kinds. And they are honest enough and confident enough to help people find solutions. They’re not marketers, one-of specialists, or practitioners of any dark arts.
They are, one and all, believers in their ability to help you break through barriers seen and not seen.
Two hours spent with them once a month feels more like a weekend retreat that would cost thousands to attend. That’s the magic of Ms Peterson. She brings people together for a shared cause and shares her insights.
If you want the sort of direction in a project that skips the baloney, she’s that compass. Talk to her, take her class, then join the group.
We like new members.
Afterwards stop in for coffee at Coopers. It’s just across the street and a regular destination.
This group needs a blogger because a higher attribute in life to aspire to is sharing, and I don’t mean colds or gossip. I mean this world needs what you said, Dave, being a believer in yourself to be able to break through barriers!
Whether it is developing talents, getting an education or a job, or developing a market or promoting an idea or a Truth, it takes focus and energy to go forward – to pioneer! To dare to go where no one (or at least you) have never gone before. So keep sharing Dave and everyone at the monthly meeting!
All the best,
Nancy Swendsen RDH
Hi Nancy,
You hit my funny bone with “sharing, and I don’t mean colds or gossip.” This is such a strong group because they get to the core of where they want to go and how they want to get there. The map gets revised in each meeting.
The best example of real sharing came when we all exchanged phone numbers so we’d have someone to call when we feel like quitting, like it’s not worth the trouble to continue. That’s a great cushion when you think you’re falling.
You started my day right, Nancy. And it’s contagious in a good way.
Would it be possible to remove the post (December 18. 2013) that comes up with my name? I would greatly appreciate it.
Hi Miriam,
It is possible to remove your name from the post, (December 18, 2013.) And it’s done.
This happens now and then and asking for an edit out is a good call.
I’ve got a couple of posts that keep getting traffic I don’t want, but they serve as warnings so I leave them up.
Let me know if there’s anything else I can help with.
Note to bloggers: Be sure and remove tags with a person’s name when you’re asked to edit them out of a post. Good catch, Miriam.
Thanks for coming to boomerpdx,