Why write a personal blog? Or anything?
If you do write, keep going.
Taking time off to stop and think about it might be the end.
If you’re looking for a reason to quit, it’s right there.
However, if you’re looking for things to keep going, keep reading.
I’ve written this blog for ten years. Ten. Years.
That’s ten years after years of writing this blog.
Post after post, word after word, on and on.
It’s not the approach a professional writer would take.
The ‘write for money people’ eventually focus on money. They say they don’t, but they do.
“I think I’ll write a new swimming pool.”
So they produce a heartfelt, tender, account of struggle and overcoming struggle that hits a nerve.
One thing leads to another, phone calls made, deals signed, and the swimming pool contractor and crew show up after the check clears.
A sweet story turns into a book that turns into a screenplay that turns into a movie and everybody gets paid.
Did I leave anything out?
An Exclusive BoomerPdx Story: The Good Man
Big John had a job, paid his taxes on time, and goes to church on Sunday.
From one job after another Big John has found his way, but he worries.
One Sunday after church Big John met Old Roy in the parking lot.
“John, I been watching you, and for your own good, you need to change,” Roy said.
“Good morning, Roy. How did you like today’s sermon,” John said.
“I would have liked it better if I wasn’t reminded that you may be headed for hell.”
Going to hell wasn’t one of Big John’s worries, at least not as much as Old Roy worried.
Big John leaned on his new truck.
“What has brought you to this,” John asked?
“We’ve known each other for a long time, John, and now here you are with a new Toyota truck. John, that’s not American,” Roy said.
“And this is what’s going to drive me down the highway to hell?”
“It’s a start, John, and a damn good one. For all we know you’ll drive this truck down to a rally supporting Planned Parenthood,” Roy said.
“I could drive it over the Democratic precinct office, too,” John said.
“Now that right there is what I’m talking about. Just hearing you say Democratic Precinct raised my temperature.”
“I could also drive to the Republican office.”
“Whew, thank you for that. Now I’m cooling off,” Roy said.
“I’ve got one question for you, Roy. Do you figure the Good Lord cares where my truck goes, whether it’s Democrat or Republican?”
“Maybe we don’t know each other as well as I thought,” Roy said. “Didn’t you hear the preacher this morning? Don’t you want to be on God’s side?”
“I don’t think God takes a side, Roy, but if he did it wouldn’t be the side of a political party that seems to find joy in human suffering,” John said.
“It’s getting warm again just standing next to you. The Lord ordains Republicans in office more than Democrats. Don’t you watch the 700 Club, Billy’s boy, and Fox News? They give it to you straight.”
“I’m not taking whatever they’re giving, Roy.”
“I hear that’s what people say on the direct fight to hell.”
“I haven’t heard that, Roy, and I don’t think you have either.”
“You’d hear it if you paid attention to the right people.”
“I hear too much talk against other people from who you listen to.”
“John, this is what worries me. Other people are not like us.”
“Yes, they are. We are like them and they are like us. If they need help, we help them.”
“What about us? What about me? What if we need help and they get more help instead?”
“Then we’ll wait our turn.”
“You’re telling me stand in line with them and wait?”
“Every man is created equal, Roy. In the eyes of the Lord, and in America, every man is created equal. It’s written down.”
“Why write it down so other people can take advantage of it? That was a big mistake.”
“Roy, are we equals?”
“Not if you keep up your hell-bound ways, then we’re not.”
Why Write About The Struggle To Be A Good Man
If nothing else, 2022 ought to be about the return of Good Men.
These are the men who will replace the bottom-feeders worried about being replaced so much that they gathered and marched to show why they need to be replaced.
2022 should be about a Great Awakening from the spell cast over political parties by leaders with no agenda except to lead, see themselves on television, and watch their followers attack the Capitol.
This is the year to put a cork in the bullshit machine that stirs the pot with whatever outrage they can pin on the other side.
2022 is the year good men turn a deaf ear to the blatherings of a disgruntled ex-employee of the American People.
The Big Lie is his lie. The lost election is his election. Waking up to that reality will be hard. Weening off a big-mouthed balloon of hot air won’t be easy, but Fox News did it.
Donald Trump has told Fox News he “didn’t win” the 2020 presidential election, and wishes Joe Biden well.
Why write about that?