Who-Who? Who-Who? Who Are Boomers?

Forever Young? Two Cats In The Yard, Life Used To Be So Hard? Boomers As Spring Flowers, That’s Who.
For starters, the world’s richest man, Bill Gates, is a boomer.
It’s nice being in the same group with the big dogs.
The inventor of the richest company in the world? Steve Jobs, boomer.
Glad to have him on board.
With the numbers out of the way, and bottom line is a number to pay attention to, who are the boomers?
They are the guys who change things up when they get to the point of life where it feels like they’re mailing it in.
Boomers choose challenge over comfort.
They push to produce instead of kick back and consume, not that they don’t consume.
Stats in most analysis say boomers have the most money of any demographic.
They buy the most luxury cars, take the most luxury trips. Does this mean they’re into luxury or just burning through their hard earned cash to help their kids?
Age and luxury go hand in hand. The hard seats get harder.
Get a flat tire? Call the luxury car hotline and get that tow truck on the road to fix it while you sit on luxurious Corinthian leather.
(Who knew what Corinthian leather was before Ricardo Montalbon pointed it out?)
Need a pick me up? Book a cruise. Get a room with a view.
Or check into the pampering excess of a downtown boutique hotel.
You don’t have to be a boomer big shot to feel like one. There’s a challenge.
Boomer taste makers.
With the flood of craft beer, troughs of locally sourced food, and hand crafted dust collectors, er, art, boomers are the last generation to appreciate crap for it’s own sake.
A PBR pounder isn’t an ironic statement. It’s cheap beer on the shelf next to a ten dollar six pack.
Get two in case you have company. We’re learning loneliness is a killer? Invite a lush friend over for a cold one.
Boomers love company.
Garden to table isn’t new, but someone else’s garden to your restaurant table?
What’s wrong with the chem-sprayed corporate farmed ingredients like every place else?
Thank a boomer, an organic free roaming boomer. The first hippie to go macro-biotic started things? Maybe.
Who are boomers?
What they aren’t is the biggest generation. Thank you millennials, now you wear the overload crown.
Boomer art, their self expression, turned the corner when they expected others to see the same wonder they see.
While it’s not a zen ‘eternity in a grain of sand’ thing, the wonders boomer see are a vision for the future.
A sun setting in clean air? But pollution makes better colors.
A swim in clean water? Or fracking waste water, same thing.
Boomer art is a better world, not a dream catcher, not new ink on your neck, or rainbow hair, though all are nice.
A better world for the elderly paves the way for the advancing boomers.
Seeking personal freedom and fitting it into the common good shows younger generations a template for happiness.
Boomers want, and work toward, a fair exchange, an even playing field.
They’ve produced the world we live in after the Greatest Generation laid the ground work.
Who are boomers? If you’re not one, you’re a part of one.
Embrace your boomer-hood early. It’s not going away for a long time, if ever.