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visual proof

Take a good hard look for visual proof when you hear something that sounds good, too good.

Maybe it’s good, but too good? Perfect?

Inquiring minds like yours and mine want to know how good.

Take a good hard look. You’ll know it’s good enough and hard enough when you look like the top pic.

But, what about when something is bad, real bad. Then what?

Take the Russian invasion of Ukraine, for instance.

How important is it to us? It’s way ‘over there’ so how important can it really be?

I checked with Arnold on this.

The stories and video come from all sources. There’s American news, European news, and Arnold news.

Click the link to hear Arnold explain things better than you’ve heard so far.

What have we heard so far? The Russian leader said he invaded to protect Russians living in Ukraine from Nazis.

How many Nazis have you heard about in Ukraine? One comes to mind: John Demjanjuk.

Who doesn’t want fewer Nazis everywhere? Unfortunately, a few sad Americans feel comfortable waving Nazi flags and marching and chanting.

I believe they don’t know the context of their fandom.

Listen, when it comes down to Nazis and everyone else, there are not fine people on both sides. That’s not how it works with Nazis. There’s only one side, their side, and it’s the wrong side.

Do You Need Visual Proof?

The original Nazis planned on sticking around for a thousand years. Their plan ended May 8, 1945.

The big Nazis were rounded up, some by Russia, some by America, and stood trail.

One of the prisoners was the biggest catch, both literally and figuratively.

He was second in command Hermann Göring.

His Nazi resume included being head of the Air Force in wartime Germany, and guiding light for the Gestapo.

Think of the Battle of Britain.

After World War I, the Treaty of Versailles forbade Germany to have an air force. With the help of the Soviet Union, however, Germany secretly defied the treaty and trained air force pilots and support staff on combat planes.

Big Hermann was the man who chided the other senior Nazi prisoners of not being strong enough, not being Nazi enough to stand up during the Nuremberg Trials.

Goering, Hitler’s appointed deputy and heir, and head of the Luftwaffe, was sentenced to death for war crimes in October 1946 after a flamboyantly defiant performance in the dock, where he questioned the legitimacy of the Nuremberg tribunal, and defended the Third Reich.

On October 15, the eve of his execution, a guard saw him put his hand to his mouth and then choke. By the time a medic arrived, Goering was dead. Glass shards and traces of cyanide were found in his mouth.

The big man had body issues?

War Crime Review

Shelling civilian apartment buildings.

Bombing hospitals.

Missile attacks on theaters full of children.

There will be another Nuremberg Trial and one man will lead the way like Hermann Goering.

Will he insist that others brought to justice follow his lead and be defiant until the end?

That is when the horror of their new reality sets in; that’s when the choices come down to:

‘How do you want to die? Anonymously like the innocent people you killed, poisoning like you’ve done to others, or the sort of death reserved for Russian double agents captured and brought back to answer for themselves?

Door #1, Door #2, or the curtain Ludmilla is standing in front of?

Then comes the visual proof.

About David Gillaspie

I am a writer. This is my blog story day by day.