Where does it come from, this violence, anger, and sadness? We’re not born with it, according to experts.
The same experts say we learn certain behavior.
How to explain unexplained violence? When is the right time to lash out and hurt?
Another writer, another blogger, might roll out their research on ‘nature vs nurture.’ And they’d be on the right track.
Not here.
If you’ve heard explanations of anger it might make sense, but do the reasons of someone else give green light the right to live a life of seething bitterness?
For them, but not you. We all need to see past others’ feelings to get to common ground.
And this is where a great sadness settles in.
People without the internal resources to express violence and anger, who aren’t wired to violence and anger and instead look for reasonable communication, shrink from the blow horn.
They know the blast furnace of hurtful things spewing from one person, or a group, comes from a broken place.
My evidence comes from nature meme where a cat licks an owl instead of killing it; where a mouse removes a thorn from a lion’s paw and they become best friends instead of a snack, according to myth but you get the idea. Science?
Two toddlers from different parts of the world can meet and toddle together, while their parents scream at each other in anger.
See where we are?
Adults bring a lifetime of experience to every interaction. When the experience is useful, things workout better.
What happens when two people meet as equals, but one comes from a life of hardship and neglect?
Well, unless you come from a life of hardship and neglect how can you possibly understand where the other is coming from? Or so goes the reasoning for anger.
“You don’t know me.”
If they rant and rave and stomp their point with pushing and shoving, punching and escalating threats, common ground slips away. Who is the winner? Anger.
This is where lawsuits and representatives come into play. The reasoning is, if you can’t have your way, get nastier until the other side breaks.
When the main examples of societal behavior are flamethrowers of despair and deceit, and they find a large audience, what happens?
People get hurt.
When they embrace the same ideas without the insulation of money and power to protect them they get hurt.
They turn from productive to victim. Being consumed by hate and violence while waiting for the opportunity to show just how much hate and violence is no way to live.
Beware of the voices that tap into the victimized, the underbelly of human anger. When someone stands up and calls for their followers to act out on a particular person, or group of people, they expect you to respond.
Now ask yourself, you who don’t like being told what to do, you who believe in individual freedom, your rights, why listen to those who go against your grain?
“But I agree with them,” you say.
You might want to check yourself.