I know one vacation blogger who dedicates time to review where they are.
And I’m available.
If you’re someone who needs an extra boost in your property, your business, your town or city, who’re you gonna call?
Oahu and Kauai for two and a half weeks and seventeen posts averaging 750 words?
Who wouldn’t want that kicker? What will it cost?
I made it to Hawaii after three years of planning.
If you’ve been planning a big event, a big opening for your property, you might consider ‘vacation blogger.’
I’m the outsider looking in and inviting others to join the fun.
What you need:
A house, or suite of rooms, that is either beach front, or beach view.
It doesn’t have to be the best you’ve got, but it wouldn’t hurt. I can still work from an ‘every man’ POV from the penthouse.
If you’ve got a sprawling resort that needs a lift, I’m your man, but I work with a pass to all of the restaurants on the property and a company credit card for the surrounding shops and food trucks.
After all, part of a good time is seeing others working the vacation trail and having a harder time than ‘your people.’
As a hired pen I will case the joint and show how it fits in with the built and natural environment with a human touch.
Vacation Blogger Staff Requirements
It takes a hard working team to achieve great results.
For that I need my wife, kids, daughters’ in-law, and grandkids.
In other words, the whole package.
Here’s why:
Short term profit projections need to include a longer income stream down the road.
This baby boomer and family do that with three generations.
If you’re a serious player, you want that third generation on board.
How many times has it been said: “I remember coming here with my grandparents, my parents, and now I’m here with my family.”
That’s the golden ticket, continuity.
With that in mind, this vacation blogger needs airfare for seven, maybe eight, and room for all in one house, or apartment, or connected rooms in a complex.
Can’t say it’s family friendly without a family, right?
Besides, they are my inspiration to get things done.
Their mantra: “When are you going to finish that post?”
What You’ll Get
Every morning I will write a post about the previous day with foreshadowing of what’s to come.
I will do research before hand, like read your brochures, and make a plan of action.
If you have historical elements and sites nearby, I’m going.
There are geological features? I’m swimming.
You’re near the birthplace of certain food and food trends? I’m eating.
More importantly, family participation with reflect the vacation excitement for others making plans.
All it will take is $1000.00 a day with comped travel, lodging, food, and an open bar tab.
Why so cheap?
Because I’m a good value.
Celebrity endorsements are fine, but one misstep by the well known turns them into “Who’s that?”
And your property will suffer.
Since no one knows me from the next guy, except I’m the next guy who writes a blog called boomerpdx, your reputation will remain intact.
My mission is to find meaning, display revelations, and make it all available to those on the same search who come up empty.
And they are everywhere, waiting for a good reason to do more with their time.
You might be their good reason with the right vacation blogger.