A gym rat lady brought her son in for a workout.
He lasted one visit.
His excuse? He didn’t like the layout, the people, and the idea of his mom watching over him.
Too many times we boomers start something, then put it down for the same vague reasons.
Regarding gym-time, the results are the goal, not the gym, and anytime you quit something it gets easier to quit more things.
Before you quit anything you ought to have a checklist instead of ‘a feeling.’
Here are the starters:
1. Get into the muscle before you get into the weight.
When you see a huge body builder working with light weights he’s either lazy, injured, or carefully attacking a specific muscle.
When you see a business pay attention to customer service they’re either desperate, expect problems, or they’re building long term relationships with their customers.
When you see a couple being very polite toward each other they’re either on their first date, one of them is covering up their cheater life, or it’s two people who’ve learned to be nice and supporting of each other’s feelings.
Get into the muscle, the relationship, and the feelings before you decide to quit.
2. If someting ain’t sore, something ain’t right.
No one gets a sore arm combing their hair.
Resistance training, weight training, means using a heavy comb if that’s your exercise. I’ll take a shot here and say no one does a comb workout.
Matching resistance to strength takes a lot of experimenting, but once you get it, you can work it. And remember, sore doesn’t mean hurt.
The most successful businessman I know explained how he once did years of eighteen hour days on his start up. He said it was hard on his wife and kids, but the rewards were worth it.
When a couple disagrees, then finds common ground, they build a stronger bond. Like a broken bone healing stronger than it was, people who find a way to be closer after getting pulled apart have a better chance of staying together.
Everything you do relates to everything else. Call it holistic, call it comprehensive, or just call it what it is: a good idea to pay attention to.
What can you relate to?