A Sports Talk Podcaster Dials Up His 200th Episode.
Spin the radio dial and you’ll find something worth a listen.
Hit a pre-set or scan the stations for some ear candy.
You’ve got a favorite DJ not named Wolfman Jack? Who could that be?
Classic Rock stabs your ear when Sir Mick Jagger explains walking Central Park in the dark asking, “What’s the matter with you, boy,” for the umpteenth time.
NPR always has an issue to debate, and they do it with English accents so you know it’s important.
For a time-out punch over to AM and Jim Rome delivers his tough guy act. And he’s a tough guy, 160 pounds of coiled steel tough.
Another station carries Dan Patrick, a seasoned broadcaster with a radio team of four men he calls his Danettes.
Feminizing guys on a sports talk show might be the right tact to bring in more lady fans, but it still sounds weird.
What you won’t find on the radio, what you’re missing, are podcasts produced for blogs.
Yes, blogs, like the one you’re reading now. Who does podcasts?
So glad you asked.
Brad Stein is one of them. His work, The Slant, appears on Oregon Sports News, (oregonsportsnews.com.)
Professionally trained and fundamentally sound, Mr. Stein posted his 200th segment last month.
Two hundred shows at an hour each comes to 12,000 minutes and he’s not slowing down.
His shows cover sports, both local and national, and events on the periphery of sports. Nothing slips by his net.
Dedicated to the craft, Mr. Stein goes beyond the normal podcast pack of talkers focused only on the mic in front of them and attends events.
More than buying a ticket and showing up at a stadium, arena, or field, Brad’s enhances his credibility by calling games from the booth.
You think you know pressure? Try navigating a rivalry high school basketball game from the inner city. Good call or bad, someone’s going to lose and you still need to find your car.
Interview Arena Football players with their dream of making it to The League. The last thing to die in an athlete are dreams and they don’t need any reminders they won’t come true.
Stein’s hands on experience in real world sports, not the sanitized TV versions, enhance his podcast beyond the norm. One listen and you’ll understand this is no cream puff tossing wimp looking for easy answers.
On a recent show he invited your favorite boomer blogger to comment on the Adrian Peterson child abuse accusations. It’s not an easy topic for a man raised in an era of belts, golf clubs, and a tree branch carrying a pitch ball end for added measure.
And that was just my Mom’s arsenal. The idea around my house was if Mom dropped her brand of discipline you didn’t want to find out what Dad would bring to the game.
My Mom wasn’t one who said, “Wait until your father gets home.” She handled her kids and kept a lid on things. And it worked.
Could my Mom take Adrian Peterson? The smart money says he wouldn’t stand a chance.
Bits and pieces of my own disciplinary past made it to Brad Stein’s podcast, then he asked the hard question: “Did I discipline my kids? If I did, how did I do it?”
Have you heard these questions on other radio shows or podcasts? Only on The Slant.
Brad works hard to bring greater context to the sports world.
Getting game scores is easy. Expressing how you feel about the scores and events leading to the final scoreboard?
That takes a pro, and it’s the exact skill Brad brings to every podcast.
To find more of his work search for Brad Stein The Slant. You’ll be glad to hear from him.
What a nice article! I guess we will find out if hard work pays off….
The pay off is tricky. Think of Joey Harrington going to Detroit for the pay off to a great college career. If he’d gone anywhere else he’d have had a better career.
He got the pay, but not the pay off.
Fast forward to Marcus Mariota. If he comes out he goes to a bad team? Sometimes it works out. Troy Aikman went to a horrible Cowboy team and got worked bad before the Super bowls kicked in.
It seems so painful.