One of my non-blog blog readers had something to say, which is nice.
They liked the travel posts from England better than the current production.
We ended with a promise to get together and share half-lies, speculation, and innuendo.
I like the plan because I like good readers with a lively opinion.
I like the England posts, too, but there’s more than travel writing to do this year, although I can be persuaded by a company like to spend time somewhere else and write about it.
Why choose booking dot com as a sponsor?
It’s not because I rented a car from EuropCar with them as the middleman and they charged me when I made the reservation and again when I turned the car in.
Luckily it showed up on my Capitol One card when I asked “What’s in my wallet?”
What’s not in my wallet is $1300 on the second charge.
I called the number, the customer service number on the back of my card, not the number that showed up when I googled their customer service.
Maya in Virginia was an ace. We went over the case piece by piece in a normal voice, then she switched to her business voice when she read the company disclaimer.
After that she switched back, that’s how I know she’s an ace.
That, and the fifteen digit case number for my dispute over a double charge.
Keep in mind, if you get double charged on a credit card, let them be the attack dogs. Apparently it happens a lot.
What makes BoomerPdx a non-blog blog?
To start, I’m not selling anything, affiliated with anything, or sponsored by anyone other than my wife. Hi, honey.
One of her conditions is to not post pictures of her. This one made the cut:
I’m not promoting anything, like a high tea in the Pump Room, or a mean mugging tea in the Orangery at Kensington Palace.
Instead of being a hype-man, a con-man, or a smooth operator, I simply hack along a thousand words at a time.
Why the mean mug pose? I looked around England and decided it was populated with dour expressions and wanted to fit in.
Also because it annoys my wife, cracks me up, and I’ve seen too many shots of too many people with their mouth hanging open.
A Non-Blog Blogger
It’s not my aim or goal to convince some fuck-stick to change their ways here, however it is my goal to encourage readers, any readers, to Do The Right Thing.
You’re looking for money making schemes on a blog?
In the past, I’ve been reluctant to write about making money from blogging, primarily because I wasn’t ready to.
I’ve seen far too many bloggers and entrepreneurs jumping on the bandwagon, writing about how to make money from blogging when some are yet to earn a dime from their blogs. I didn’t want to become one of those bloggers.
Sharing advice on making money from blogging, especially as a freelancer, and especially if you haven’t made much to rant about, should be a crime.
Click that link if you want to learn how to earn $1000 a month from your blog. I read the post and it checks out.
What kind of blogger am I; what kind of blogger do I want to become?
If boomerpdx becomes the world’s most important blog and delivers untold wealth to many bank accounts with my name on them? What then?
I’m thinking about the Drudge Report and how it rose.
In October 2019, the Drudge Report began linking to articles which were increasingly critical of Trump, reportedly the result of Drudge himself becoming “exasperated” by the president.
This coincided with a near 30% decrease in traffic metrics for the Drudge website in the last months of 2019—from a 90 day-ago ranking of #637 in global internet engagement as of July to #844 in December.
The site’s readership briefly rebounded in March 2020 as the COVID-19 pandemic escalated, but continued to decline to new record lows as the year went on.
After a Comscore data report showing a year over year decline of 38 percent from August 2019 to August 2020, President Trump tweeted, “Such an honor! Drudge is down 40% plus since he became Fake News. Most importantly, he’s bleeding profusely, and is no longer “hot”. But others are! Lost ALL Trumpers.
Then what?
Who’s Who In 2024
This rings true, the learning curve of command.
You’ve heard of learning a business from the ground up where the guy in the mailroom rises to CEO status.
It happens all the time, at least in the movies.
One way is climbing the ladder to success, the other is marrying the boss’s daughter.
Leaders of trust usually have a track record, then trust erodes over time.
Neil Goldschmidt was a trusted man as Student Body President at UofO, legal aid attorney, city commissioner, Portland mayor, Secretary of Transportation, and Oregon governor.
Then his personal history was disclosed after an investigation by Willamette Week.
After that, public opinion turned against him, which you’d expect.
The National Governors Association shows a nice bio, clean with no disgrace.
Most other news sources like the New York Times and Washington Post headline with the ugly truth of sex abuse by Goldschmidt.
The local KOIN went with, “Exploring the complicated legacy of former Oregon Governor.”
Let’s just say some sick-fuck ruined a kid’s life with the help of silence from his circle of jerks.