Take strength from knowing who you are.
If you don’t know, or feel unsure, spend some time to think about it.
But don’t be disappointed if you’re wrong.
Things change, you change, we all change.
Besides, if you don’t already know who you really and truly are, who does?
If you are a married man, your wife knows who you are.
If you’re a married woman, your girlfriends know.
That’s how it is. I don’t make the rules.
Take strength from knowing how this knowledge fits into a long term relationship.
Women Take Strength Together
I’m not a fan of Girl’s Night Out, but I’m not against it, either.
They gather in public at wine tastings, at wineries, in wine bars.
And they’re having more fun than anyone else. Why?
Because they share their feelings, and more important, they have feelings they don’t share but still carry the joy.
They are happy to be together. At least that’s what I’ve seen.
Happy to settle in with a small pour from a flight of wine at Hawks View, instead of running around a spinning-too-fast world of health scares, bills, and anti-abortion zealots.
The ladies carry it off because their time together is the most important moment. They take strength in knowing each other’s views, but letting the person shine through.
Look for a ladies night out table now that you know about the shine, and soak it in.
Men’s Night Out
There is no shine in the men I see in the local beer bar.
For that, it’s my favorite place.
From the beginning it had a familiarity, like my own little club.
Then it thinned out.
Now it’s down to a loyal happy hour following, a group who always has something to say.
Sports on the big screen is a good conversation starter.
Guy: How did the Cowboys do.
Other Guy: You’d have to find someone who gives a shit. The only thing worse than the Cowboys are Cowboy fans.
Guy: Better than being a bandwagon bitch on the latest hot team with your favorite colors.
Then there’s female function.
Guy: Why do they call it a ‘period.’
Other Guy: I know, like a hockey game, right? Three times a month.
Guy: What?
Politics opens the door.
Guy: I don’t want to say this too loud, but has anyone noticed the weird vote counting and how this election has weaponized ‘saving democracy?’ I mean, come on fellas.
Other Guy: Yeah, I can hear you way the fuck over here. Try harder.
Too often Men’s Night Out mirrors the ladies’, but without the joy of companionship.
They remind me of groups in bars I’ve drank in as a stranger.
Some are marking time complaining about their privileged lives; some seek healing from their fractured marriages; some are on the road to alcohol.
I’m doing research, if you’re wondering.
Cognition Power: Take Strength
The strongest people I know are parents.
Extra credit if you’re a married parent, or a married parent of middle-aged children.
The biggest credit goes to the married parents and middle-aged kids who are married parents.
Why make it so complicated, Grandpa?
Call it a test, or a Would You Rather:
Would you rather spend time with bitter strangers drowning their sorrows in hard seltzer to keep their weight down in case they meet Miss Right, or Miss Right Now?
Spend time with a two year old who has better cognitive powers than you playing the same games?
Would you rather drink and drive,
Create lifetime memories for others to share?
Being a part of someone’s life means getting over a few things.
You need to be as open in friendship as the women on ladies’ night out, less caved in than the barflies sipping seltzer.
Get dialed into the amazing ‘world of new’ that comes with a two year old.
And that, my dears, is how to preserve our cognitive powers.
Take strength.