Dear readers, history classes are more than remembering dates and kings and generals. I know this because college changed from that to a more comprehensive picture of time and event during my protracted historical education. The standard when I graduated in 1991 included three books: a novel of the times, one writer’s opinion in a […]
My father in law was a big history class fan; he gave his own history a good spin. The man had been everywhere and done everything, driven every kind of rig that’s ever been made, flown airplanes in every war that had airplanes. His stories were familiar the first time I heard them when my […]
Millennial History Break: WWII-era
It’s been a long time since history delivered WWII. A long time to learn what happened, too. But not all are interested in the lessons of WWII, particularly the death camps where those deemed undesirable by the German authorities were warehoused until further notice. Further notice was death for six million […]
History teacher narrow focus gives poor view. Darrell Huckaby says, “Take a seat, history class is in session.” Is he talking to you? Not when he says, “Ignorant young people who have no knowledge of how this Republic is supposed to work are dying to get attention by marching in the streets and […]