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What’s Better Than A Garden Party? Eight Garden Parties

Forest Grove Opens Their Yards For Friends Of History The most important part of a garden tour, or yard walk, is avoid comparing every stop to your yard. Yes, you’ve done incredible yard work and you’re proud as a pick axe the way it turned out, the same pick axe you broke your water line […]


The first question history people ask when they see some place different? “What happened?” Then they start investigating the architecture, interviewing and researching and writing what they think happened. Sometimes they get it more right than others. What’s the first question history museum people ask when they see the same thing? “What is it?” In […]


Is There A Future For American History? NPR Says Maybe. A history joke: “This is George Washington’s Ax, the one he used to chop down the cherry tree. The head’s been replaced five time, the handle eight, but it represents the same space.” After you stop laughing you’ll see the history problem: the ax isn’t […]