Longtime readers and followers of boomerpdx know the reality register. I learned about it during my home caregiving years. My father in law had Parkinson’s and dementia. I was his link to living at home instead of a nursing home, assisted living, or other accommodations. Picking him up when he was down included reality register. […]
A ‘One Up’ For The Rest Of You. Hardly a conversation goes by without one person saying, “I know,” in response to everything. Is this what passes for active listening? A more articulate version of uh huh, uh huh, or yeah right? Boomers have been the leading offender, but they’re losing ground. They might say […]
Caregiving For The Baby Boomer Spouse
3 Ways To Lead, Follow, Or Get Out Of The Way. Who can name the ‘Do Your Own Thing’ generation? How about the ‘March To The Beat Of A Different Drummer’ generation? Or the ‘If You Love Something Set It Free’ generation? The ‘Me’ generation? The one with ‘Radicals And Freaks?’ On a blog called […]
Translation For Boomer Exercise, pt 1
From The UK, (not the picture.) Exercise changes with each border. It’s a cultural deal. What doesn’t change is the effect on the human body. A Zoomba class in the picture shows proof. What follows uses UK ideas applied to America. Then applied to baby boomers. That’s what boomerpdx does. It’s a cultural deal. Get ready to […]