Every month a group meets to discuss their entrepreneurial progress. Why? Because there’s something magical about belonging to a group of motivated people breaking new ground. Most are baby boomers, or have the spirit. They’ve broken new ground, old ground, and everything else most of their lives. If they’re not all boomers, then they’ve earned […]
When Baby Boomers Need Advice They Ask Boomers. How About You
December 18, 2013 by David Gillaspie
Filed Under: What's Up Tagged With: Baby Boomers, Barb Deurwaader, Better Smarter Richer, blogger, blogs, boomerpdx, boomers, coopers coffee, David Gillaspie, Deborah Bell, Emily Clark, entrepreneurial progress, Jackie Peterson, Jane Conboy, OMSI, oregon historical society, pcc, PCC Climb Center, Simon Bosley