A sponsorship badge is a symbol, not an endorsement of everything the sponsor has done, is doing, or will do.
Someone wants to give someone else money to wear a t-shirt showing their name, their product, their service?
Sign me up.
Just don’t expect a 24/7 effort.
As a married writer, that time slot is full.
But, who would you sponsor? Who would I sponsor? More important, who would you accept sponsorship from?
Over the past few days I’ve written about my displeasure with the news out of Washington D.C., working hard not be just another shrill nag, a scold, a toothless bitch and moan.
Call it creative writing in the real world.
One day it’s about the pace of every day life for ordinary people who ride the bus to work, or take the train, who get their 10:00 coffee, take a short lunch to get off early, no afternoon break, and rush back to coach their kids’ soccer teams, basketball teams, and any other sport they want to play.
Slow living makes room for others, and it’s not that hard.
Availability is a main ability. So, be available.
Not needy, clingy, just available.
Do that for some fine living, baby.
Let it roll.
Wife: What are you doing.
Me: Nothing.
Wife: That’s what you said yesterday.
Me: I didn’t finish.
Wife: Would you like to . . .
Me: Yes.
Another Kind Of Sponsorship Badge
There’s nothing like joining the armed forces of your nation to know what it thinks of you as a person.
No matter how high, or low, your self-esteem, no matter what your recruiter told you, you are a lump of clay for the armed forces instructors to mold into a passable soldier, sailor, or airman.
Leaving with the right paper, a DD-214 and honorable discharge, shows what you thought of your nation.
Which isn’t to say people can’t change, but a fuck-up is a fuck-up and no matter how many push-ups they do, they don’t change until they want to change.
The long shadow of history cast by inhumane acts is still present.
If the bad thing is to be nipped in the bud, you have to start as soon as possible.
Who knows what an aggressor nation will do unchecked?
We know.
It’s not a mystery.
You never know when a country may go off the rails and line up behind a thin-skinned, nut-case leader, one who instructs his ‘people’ to ransack the order of normal operations, get as much press as possible to spread their ignorant message, and leave a stream of shit, growing into a river, in their wake.
Some people get a tattoo to show sponsorship of some kind, others wear a hat.
One night I sat at the bar, Mike’s Bar in Wrightstown, New Jersey, during a visit to Fort Dix.
Three skinny guys in wife beaters and campaign hats did a routine for their buddies when they walked in.
They were retired guys who kept up with each other by repeating their Drill Sergeant days together.
It was sad to see, a bunch of aimless guys getting wasted together, waiting for someone to give me them their next assignment.
Their hats were their sponsorship badge, along with unit tattoos.
My Sponsorship
If I were a race car, one name would be plastered all over me.
‘WIFE’, with variations:
Here’s a list of “wife” in various languages: Arabic (زَوْجَة), Brazilian Portuguese (esposa), Chinese (妻子), Croatian (supruga), Czech (manželka), Danish (kone), Dutch (vrouw), European Spanish (esposa), Finnish (vaimo), French (épouse), German (Ehefrau), Greek (σύζυγος), Italian (moglie), Japanese (妻), Korean (아내), Norwegian (kone), Polish (żona), European Portuguese (esposa), Romanian (soție), Russian (жена), Latin American Spanish (esposa), Swedish (fru maka), Thai (ภรรยา), Turkish (kare eş), Ukrainian (дружина), and Vietnamese (vợ).
Arabic (عائِلَة), Chinese (家庭), French (famille), German (Familie), Italian (famiglia), Japanese (家族), Korean (가족), Russian (семья), Spanish (familia), and Turkish (aile).
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