When is the last time you were singing along with anyone outside of church?
Chances are it’s been a while if you’re not churched, or not in a band.
Is it because you don’t have a song to sing?
But it’s more than lack of a song, isn’t it?
You probably remember the first time you tried singing along to a favorite song in front of someone and heard this:
“You suck.”
Or the first time you played an instrument in front of anyone?
“You suck.”
And you believed their opinion because they were cool and you weren’t.
Looking back, did they try to sing or play anything, or just judge?
Even if you did suck at your first attempt to be a rock star, what’s the big deal?
You’ve heard songs you don’t like, seen bands that were a disappointment.
Now you too?
Why not cut yourself some slack, perfectionist.
I’ll let you in on a big secret, the biggest:
Everyone thinks they suck when they try something new.
Or maybe they get lucky, don’t suck, then find something else to suck at and feel bad.
Music And Writing Are Similar?
I’ll tell you a secret: I suck at writing.
My first success came by plagiarizing a poem for a poster that won a fire prevention certificate.
That was my third grade writing career launch.
Years later I stole the plot line from Romeo and Juliette for a one act play about frogs in a pond.
My Rom-Com won the academy award in senior year English class.
Years later, again all the years, I lived in the same neighborhood as the owner of a newspaper chain.
He was out shoveling dirt in his yard when I passed by.
He was a semi-sporty guy with kids. I told him about an event that troubled me, how it happened, and the ramifications.
The longer we talked the more interested he became. I asked if his papers had ever printed on the topic.
He said no. I said I had an essay for him.
It was printed to great joy and acclaim in my front yard.
I took a victory lap knowing I was on the cusp of fame and fortune.
The momentum drove me to write more newspaper guest columns, join a group of sports writers, and feel the writing warmth.
Oregon Sports News is a thriving page with constantly updated content.
It inspired me to start BoomerPdx.
I’ve written a ton and continue writing.
However, the problem hasn’t changed:
Every blog post sucks. In the first draft.
Like a first sing along, a first attempt a playing an instrument, a first draft sucks every time.
That’s when the work starts.
You can’t do anything with a blank page, a blank screen, a song unsung, an instrument unplayed.
Nothing is what you get if you walk away too early, or walk away at all.
Besides, why walk away?
All it’s taking is your time, the same time you’d waste scrolling the internet or clicking through channels looking for something to catch your interest.
Why not be more pro-active and create interest for yourself?
If it sounds like the same old saw of ‘Practice Makes Perfect’ that’s because it is.
How many baby boomers are so competent in their lives that they don’t need to practice anything?
It’s a false bravado, and why younger generations dislike their elders.
Remember, it’s called a ‘medical practice.’ If smart doctors can practice, so can you.
Singing Along, Or Else
Sing along or else you won’t get the girl, you won’t get the boy, you won’t get ‘The Look.’
It’s the look that says ‘you suck and I love you.’
The look says ‘I’m so happy you’re not some boring dump chained to unspoken insecurities.’
Deep down, or maybe not so deep, you know you suck in comparison to accomplished singers and players who never quit, who pushed past their own negative self-perception.
They may have ‘Imposture Syndrome’ but not you. Not when it’s you and a buddy, you and a kid, you and your partner.
They know you suck as well as you know, but you both have the secret: you only get better.
My new joy is scrolling Facebook and twitter for clips of musicians plying their craft.
Not teaching, not preaching, just playing.
It runs from good voices and poor playing, to poor vocals and good playing, and everything in between.
No matter your opinion of your own skills, you belong in the mix.
Keep playing and keep singing along.
On four. One, two, three, go.