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What’s the best example of reimagine, reuse, recycle?
Old tires? Worn out shoes? Tea towels?
Last I checked there’s a way to reuse old paint if it’s not dried in the can.
What about old baby boomers who aren’t dried in the can?

I got an email from about adventurous ways to retire.
It was written by this guy:


Born in Paris, Jim is a retired lecturer of African Studies and self-described life-long global trekker. His career as an Air Force officer gave him the chance to experience amazing and exotic destinations in Europe, Asia and Africa. He is at home on the golf course or backpacking anywhere there is a story to tell.


Jim and I have a lot in common. He’s a retired lecturer and a career Air Force officer at home on the golf course and the backpacking trail.
I’m a retired museum know-it-all after a two year Army career.
Do we share the same retirement ideas?
Jim says,
Discover Your Heritage
Have you ever spent time researching your family tree and wondered what life was like for your distant relatives?
Now that you’re retired, it’s the perfect time to discover your heritage and visit your family’s homeland.


I say I’ve seen enough Finding Your Roots on PBS with Henry Louis Gates to satisfy my curiosity.
Do you really want to turn the page and discover the horrible things people related to you did?
Imagine a retired German baby boomer learning he’s related to Himmler. No thanks.
I got a call from a man who wanted to know if we were related since we had the same last name.
Me: Are you tall?
Him: Yes.
Me: Big nose?
Him: Yes.
Me: Are you fat?
Him: Yes.
Me: Bald?
Him: Yes.
Me: Sounds like you’re in the club.


Reimagine, Reuse, Recycle Memories

Jim says,
Embark on a Road Trip on Every Continent.
Every continent has its bucket-list of best road trips, but the hard part will be choosing the best trip for you.


That’s not the hard part for me.
Everyone I’ve had on a long road trip is reluctant to get back in the car.
The three week jaunt in England last month covering 900 miles is current proof.
No scrapes, no scratches, no crash, but out of the four in my car at the beginning, three decided anything was better than riding with me.
I lured my wife into a 4000 mile drive last October, but she was smart.
The dog and I picked her up in Albuquerque three days after leaving Portland, Oregon and we made the run back home the long way.
It was an All-American tour of National Parks and monuments like Monument Valley.
The dog never complained and was ready to go every day.


For my next roadie I’m following Winston Churchill’s advice for having a good evening.
First there’s dinner, talk about food, followed by a long conversation where I’m the moderator.

That’s a goal I’ve been working on for the last forty years and I’m sooo close.
Chances are good this will happen in a car with the dog since, you know, the driving part disturbs the easily offended.
Add to that ‘me as chief conversationalist,’ with encouragement from Winston. Even the dog might jump out.


Moving on, Jim says,
Check Off Iconic UNESCO Sites
This is the ultimate retirement adventure if you’re a history buff. The seven ancient and modern wonders of the world are among the most awe-inspiring works ever built.


History buff? I love the name. A history buff sounds clean and organized, like an appointment with a dentist.
I’ve been to Spain, Oklahoma, Paris, and London.
A guide in Paris said the guillotine had to be moved from its original place because the blood from the chopper made the ground unstable.
Instead of chasing sites around the world, why not look where you live and see what you’ll find.


Be Adventurous Baby Boomers

Jim’s last two retirement adventures are:
Take an Extended Cruise
Here’s another option for lovers of ultimate high-sea adventure — retire on a cruise ship. It may sound a bit far-fetched, but retiring permanently aboard a cruise ship is a real thing.
Living on an ocean liner could be a cost-saving measure for seniors who may be working with a smaller financial nest egg.


Chase Your Passion
If you’re into Shakespeare, head to Stratford-upon-Avon and celebrate the life and works of this iconic bard. 


The latest Passion of the Boomer was how to reimagine, reuse, and recycle the last night in London.
My plan: Stay in our shoe box sized room, go to bed early, get to the airport on time and fly home.
Wife plan: Go out to see Moulin Rouge in SoHo next to The Devonshire shown at the top.
What did we do?


Before you make any adventure plans to do anything, make sure things are settled at home.
Try and avoid situations overseas, or aboard ship, where your status as an American citizen is pitied.
Since the President is most people’s idea of an American around the world’s, consider the choices in November.
One is the guy holding rallies and raising money based on thirty-four felony convictions and a rape count along with leading an insurrection who still claims ‘I did nothing wrong’ at every step of his sordid past.
Then there’s the other guy.
If you think I’m going to call out anyone as a wife cheating, porn star banging, incoherent slob of a man with a sniffing problem, forget it.
You’re reading the wrong blogger, the wrong writer, if you think I’m going to get personal about a man whose onetime confidants turned on him, went public with his descriptions of fallen soldiers as ‘losers and suckers’; a man who calls his base ignorant and they cheer, you are wrong.
I’ll leave the shit-slinging to someone else, but you might catch some if he’s your guy in November.
There’s still time to change your mind and show you’ve got the ability to see what’s in front of you.

No one wants to stand in front of the Eiffel Tower and have some Frenchie sidle up and say,
“Too bad you didn’t learn the last time that your guy is a world-class asshole.”
It’ll sound like this, so be sharp:
“Dommage que tu n’aies pas appris la dernière fois que ton mec est un connard de classe mondiale.”
Reimagine, reuse, recycle, with Joe Biden.
About David Gillaspie

I am a writer. This is my blog story day by day.