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Baby Boomer And The Oregon Ducks

What defines big time? The wise answer, the baby boomer blogger answer, is ‘The big time is right where you are.’ But that doesn’t always work out. People who hate where they are, either geographically or emotionally, want a better answer. For them, the big time is out there waiting just around the corner, and […]


As a Baby Boomer blogger and sports fan, it’s important to keep up with local athletes. Sometimes that means going the extra mile. But first a little history. In the world of amateur wrestling, the first two World Champions were Oregonians. And they won their titles the same year at the same tournament. The first […]

A Boomer Walk

Take A Walk On The Wild East Side Of PDX The Eastbank Esplanade is the place to start. To get there, find a distinctive landmark, like a huge pile of broken concrete. You’ll see it looking east from the north bound lanes of the Marquam Bridge. Take the Water Ave. exit and turn right. If […]

Boomer Men Who Nurture

And The Dogs Who Love Them Tell the truth. You like to nurture. Admit it. You’ve learned how, and you like it. Some say a nurturer is born that way; others say it’s a result of a caring environment. You say the sooner you choose one or the other, the better. That’s not a green light to grow […]

New Sports Hall Of Fame

Where Enshrinement Means More You’ve watched award shows. The ceremony is reported on television, radio, and newspapers. It’s a big party. The great men and women stride to a podium to give thanks and encouragement. If they have a presenter introducing them, they give a hug, a bro-hug, or handshake. They usually mention people who helped […]

NBA Brewing In Seattle

 Order Up For A Kings’ Size Mocha Extra Hot The Portland Trail Blazers sit wedged between two warring NBA cities. Make that one NBA city warring with Seattle for courting their team. Sound familiar? You’ve got to feel for them both. No city wants an identity as a stepping-stone, or ignorant rube, but that’s what happened when […]

Baby Boomer Love

Is It Love Or Another Cramp To Stretch Out Once you take a subject like baby boomers, and you are one, topics change faster than sunlight reflecting off wet tie-dye. The huge range of experience between those born from 1946 to 1964 makes common ground more uncertain. One universal feeling rises to the top. Love. From Bo Diddley asking […]