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Search Results for: England


She was married to an English rocker for ten years. That’s a lot of tea and  crumpets for an American girl. Probably a lot of Coldplay music, too. That alone might send you off screaming, but there’s still the time factor. Ten years is a good stretch. If there were any mistakes along the way, […]


Call it the drama of life, the thrill of victory. Call it the agony of defeat. This one had it all, beginning with the near mythic first snap to the most prepared man to ever play the game, the most prepared athlete in the history of all sports. Peyton Manning is the opposite of the […]


You don’t have to go to France to feel the grandeur of a beautiful room. Or a cathedral in Spain for the ornate. Walk into the Benson Hotel on Broadway for the same feeling of WOW. The size is different, but the details are wonderful. For an Old World taste in the New World, this […]


Chasing The Ring. A few things to notice on Super Sunday: All the talk about a New York Super Bowl won’t change the location. New Jersey is still the site for this year.

Ben Affleck or George Clooney, A Monumental Man Dilemma

Which Actor / Director / Producer Works Best For The Next Epic WWII Script? Here on the outskirts of civilization the choice of who would do Flying Home justice grows more complicated. Both Affleck and Clooney won Oscars for producing Argo. Both know Hollywood inside out. George seems to like people for who they are, not what they […]

Starting At Anti-Drug Quarterback, Kevin Sabet

From wiki: In February of 2013, Salon Magazine referred to Kevin as “the quarterback of the new anti-drug movement.” Welcome to Oregon, player. Hope you enjoy this stop on your platform building tour. Mr. Sabet, a Cal Berkeley grad with a PhD from Oxford understands his audience. When the subject is weed, he gets it. Isn’t Berkeley famous […]

Downton Mountain Or Just Another English Oregon

Fans of one of the most watched shows in the world revel in the drama of English manners. Either that or they enjoy seeing landed aristocrats marrying American money to save their house. The English lords don’t call it, ‘taking one for the team,’ but the results are the same. If Monty Python is your sort […]

Baby Boomers Screw Up Their Kids? Suuure They Do

 The original title of Simon Sinek’s article excerpt on ‘How Baby Boomers Screwed Their Kids And Created Millennial Impatience.’ The subtitle is , ‘Ambitious but easily distracted, Gen Y wants to be good but can’t stick to anything. It’s their parents’ fault.’ He get’s into it a little further in a TED talk where he asks […]

Boomerpdx Remembers Historian Thomas Vaughan

Most baby boomers who’ve worked for important companies never meet the big guy. You apply, go through human resources, or the personnel office, meet the department head, co-workers, and go at it for the next few decades. Thomas Vaughan met everyone before they got with the Oregon Historical Society program. He made it personal. How […]

Baby Boomer Oregon Histories

If it was good enough for Ken Kesey, it’s good enough for you. The question: Where are the Oregon stories and why don’t we hear more of them? At least Kesey kept it in state with One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest and Sometimes A Great Notion. Blame it on confusion. Oregon is not England no matter what the […]