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People make millions with their online business.
Millions, I tell you.
Everywhere I look some blogger is making millions of dollars.
And I don’t think it’s all google ad-words.

Do all the top earning bloggers all write about money and strategy and making more money with better strategy?
It makes sense to me.
What makes more sense is money bloggers hitting it and not just talking about hitting it.
Then there are all of those other bloggers doing a daily prayer to go viral, field offers for publications, and cashing up front checks for future work.
Is that a thing? It ought to be. I’ll volunteer as a trial. Will that be Venmo, or Zelle?


Reddit To The Rescue

The Question:
Successful bloggers, what was your game-changer?
The responses were some of the most reality based blogging talk I’ve ever heard.
No whining, no complaining, just writers letting it out.


I think perseverance is key. Just after I stopped blogging I started to see results so had I stuck with it I would have been “successful” in my endeavours but I was impatient.


Patience! Google gives traffic to blogs with longevity. You just have to wait for the time to pass while you put in your efforts.


In a few days it will be my blog’s 3rd year anniversary. I’m feeling a bit sad because I thought by now I would be earning money from ads. I use mainly Pinterest to get traffic and it works but I guess my target audience is not hanging around Pinterest.
I tried amazon affiliates but I guess I didn’t have any products or something because they shut it down.


None of them seem happy about their online business of blogging.
Some people are just grinders. I’m a grinder, maybe misguided, but still a grinder.
I’m listening for that knock on the door, the phone call, the text, the email, telling me I won the Nobel Prize for Blogs
Yeah, I know, there’s no Nobel Prize for bloggers, but what about a Pulitzer? I’ll accept either, or both.


These Guys Didn’t Do Online Business

Hemingway won a Pulitzer one year and a Nobel the next.
Faulkner hit for the same cycle, as did Eugene O’Neil, Saul Bellow, Sinclair Lewis, Toni Morrison, John Steinbeck, and Pearl S. Buck.
And Bob Dylan.
1. Bob Dylan
– Nobel Prize: 2016 (1 time)
– Pulitzer Prize: 2008 Special Citation (1 time, not for a specific work of fiction or drama)


I’ve got patience and perseverance and persistence on my side to an annoying extent.
I believe in happy endings, especially mine, and I’m on the right track.
And that, my friends, is enough to make Boomerpdx the best blog of it’s kind.
Thank you for reading, and don’t forget to push the Donate To David button.
The old Granddad needs to get his hooves trimmed.


“for his important literary production, which with clear-sighted earnestness illuminates the problems of the human conscience in our times”


About David Gillaspie

I am a writer. This is my blog story day by day.