A new idea is not something to fear.
You might hear something different, but not too different?
Then give it a try.
Boomers are getting to that special age where the excuses they heard their parents make sound reasonable.
Too tired.
No time.
Too old.
You know the litany of excuses, maybe you break one out now and then yourself?
Too busy.
My shows are on.
My arm hurts.
These are all good excuses.
Who’s going to tell you different when you beg off on invitation to do something fun with people you like?
Let’s reschedule.
How about another day.
Sounds like a goods idea, but . . .
If I Was Younger, Blah, Blah, Blah
If you were younger you’d try a new idea?
Is that it?
But when you were younger you were still too lazy and uninspired to do anything new.
You don’t remember that, and neither do your new friends.
As you slide your way to isolation and failure to thrive, it all feels natural.
Hit that a certain age and take a seat.
Go ahead and shut it down.
Your race has run, you kept up, now what?
Now nothing for some people.
They are happy to hang up their interests, their curiosity, their enthusiasm.
With a few extra years added on, they have the perfect excuse.
Every new idea is for younger people, the ones with a little vigor still in the tank, the ones with the ‘why not’ attitude.
Why Not A New Idea
I’m too tired to get out of the car and walk in nature.
No, you’re not.
I don’t have time to spend in nature.
Yes, you do.
I’m too old for new ideas.
That’s not how aging works, bro.
I’m too busy.
No, you just have your priorities mixed up.
My shows are on.
Yes, but they are either recorded, or streaming. Nice try.
My arm hurts.