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If you can talk to your kids, will unrelated millennials listen too?
You could tell he was a good guy with good manners.
He answered easy questions, but still added value.
Twenty four, lives at home, looking for a job. And all you asked was his age?
This is part of the millennial story, the failure to launch part you hear about when it’s your kids.
Your friends ask you why, like you should have an answer.
But you don’t, so you mumble a vague excuse that includes ‘mentoring.’
Do that often enough and you learn about the millennial generation; you learn you don’t share the same definition for failure as others.
A lot of others.
Tell a baby boomer you’re looking for a job and you never know what comes next.
What does a millennial need to hear from a boomer?
What can you tell an unrelated millennial feeling down about their near future?
Start slow.
Explain how business works best with the right skill sets, more than one skill set.
Use deliveries as an example. Tell your captive audience how the world works to make deliveries, or take deliveries.
Mention product forecasting, timely production runs, and tracking.
Successful businesses know what they’ve got, where it’s hot, and where it’s not.
It’s buy and sell, manufacturing and warehousing. Those skill sets depend on predictable inventory.
The three dimensional world needs room.
It’s either sign up for pallet jack school, learn to use Excel, or both.
Be the employee who knows how to code along with holding a lift truck license.
Shift gears if you’re a blogger and use your page as a product. Give an example of Google Analytics.
Unrelated millennials know about Google Analytics.
Point to your traffic analysis to tell the story.
Your top three cities of traffic are Boston, Beaverton, and Portland.
If they ask what Boston readers are doing on a region NW blog, leading the list of cities from the top, click ‘Geo’ in analytic’s left column, then ‘location’ in the menu.
Ninety three of ninety four sessions come from new Boston users with a 96% bounce rate at an average session duration of 3:30.
That’s Boston reading one post and leaving, which makes me happy to know Boston reads blogs.
Beaverton is a different story.
Sixty one sessions with only five new users. 0% bounce rate from Beaverton with an average session duration of 17:00.
The Beaverton readers stick around, moving from one post to another the way people trance on facebook. Once hooked, they keep running.
The top ten analyzed cities for unrelated millennials.
They include Seattle, Vancouver, Los Angeles, San Jose, Tacoma, Cambridge, and one listed as ‘not set.’
In other words, up and down the West Coast with Boston and Cambridge in there.
Cambridge, England? Probably. But Boston?
They are all important.
Talk about ‘Behavior Flow.’
New readers drop out fast after their first page.
The 1st Interaction shows more through traffic, the 2nd Interaction even more.
Successful businesses know their audience; successful bloggers should know theirs.
Tell unrelated millennials trapped into listening that your traffic comes from blog fans in the U.S., United Kingdom, Canada, Ireland, Japan, United Arab Emirates, Brazil, Germany, France, Brazil, and more.
Unrelated millennials find blogs with likeable content.
All around the world people search for inspiration, information, and a reason to continue.
Serving a world wide audience is a big responsibility. They know when you post cruise control writing, and the real thing.
Google analytics and traffic won’t lie, and neither will you.
Drive on the importance to unrelated millennials about their skill set.
Find something you like and learn everything you can about it.
Next, find a company that fits your idea of the perfect skill set.
Talk to the hiring manager from a place of confidence because you know what you bring today, tomorrow, and the future.
It’s not if you fit them, but do they fit you.
Keep that last part to yourself. People misunderstand millennials all the time about the fit.
Let that cat out of the bag and you might hear, “If you think you can do it better than us, go start your own company.”
Otherwise, hold your ground and show you belong there.
If the skill sets fit, you may commit.