Life lessons start early and never stop.
But, and this is a tough one, people do look away.
“But Blogger D, aren’t older people a repository of life lessons?”
Not always, but who am I to judge?
If you need to ask, this might not be the place for you.
The part about ‘do no harm?’
I didn’t just make that up.
It’s part of the culture, but if it’s not the case where you live, you’ve got work to do.
If you follow the example laid down by Hippocrates, (huh·paa·kruh·teez), then you’ve been in the gym for a while.
The guy’s got some serious shoulders up there.
Just don’t overdo it. No harm is the goal, not a torn rotator cuff.
Click the link for the five best (and worst) rotator cuff exercises.
Life Lessons: Rome Wasn’t Built In A Day, And Neither Are You
This is where we all feel like idiots.
Of course Rome wasn’t built in a day, but they were busy people.
Just know that the most meaningful thing you can do in the gym is show up consistently to get results.
And no, you can’t sue the gym if you don’t look like Mr. Olympia after a month, or a year.
Besides, those guys look a little harmed from my perspective.
The No Harm Army
This is a caduceus.
It’s sewn onto an Army shirt from the 1974-1976 Army.
My Army shirt, the one of two that hang in my closet, are a reminder to first do no harm.
This is also a caduceus.
It hangs in my kitchen as a reminder to pay attention. And do no harm.
From my wife’s old office to the kitchen, it keeps doing the job.
In review, you earn your caduceus by joining the Army and going to Medic School.
Or, go to college, then Medical School.
But those take time and energy. Why bother when you’ve got a life to live and you can stop by a pawn shop and buy a blinged out pin.
Wear it on the lab coat you bought at the uniform store and tell people, “Look at me, I’m the Surgeon General.”
Looks good, don’t you think?
Pass Along Life Lessons
First, Do No Harm, as this image says in Latin.
It’s the same non-harm as the English translation.
You don’t have to be an angel to get it right, but a little angle dust never hurts.
If life lessons sound like the Birds and Bees talk, you haven’t been paying attention.
Lesson 1: If you have failed at anything, congratulations for trying. Now try again.
Losing doesn’t make you a loser, but wallowing in loss is not a good sign.
But, what if you’re down and depressed and can’t shake it? And it feels normal?
Look, it wasn’t normal when Germany over-ran Europe and everyone called it a European Problem.
It’s a world problem when a modern nation embraces a motherfucker from hell with plans to build concentration camps, then work prisoners to death camps, and finally death camps.
It was not normal when Japan rampaged through the Pacific importing prisoner women for comfort girl rape.
Or when they visited their newly conquered lands for massacre practice.
“In a world of conflict, a world of victims and executioners, it is the job of thinking people not to be on the side of the executioners.”
— Albert Camus
What has the world learned since WWII?
Let’s ask Kurt Vonnegut his opinion:
The Germans herded us through scalding delousing showers. Many men died from shock in the showers after ten days of starvation, thirst and exposure. But I didn’t.
On about February 14th the Americans came over, followed by the R.A.F., their combined labors killed 250,000 people in twenty-four hours and destroyed all of Dresden – possibly the world’s most beautiful city. But not me.
When General Patton took Leipzig we were evacuated on foot to (‘the Saxony-Czechoslovakian border’?). There we remained until the war ended. Our guards deserted us. On that happy day the Russians were intent on mopping up isolated outlaw resistance in our sector. Their planes (P–39’s) strafed and bombed us, killing fourteen, but not me.
Final Thought For Today
During the turmoil of our times it may seem counterproductive to talk about writing.
So let’s talk about writing.
If you’re not locked in a cold shack waiting for the twenty-third imperial soldier to knock on the door for your service, you can write.
You’re not incarcerated in an underground locker with a sky-full of airplanes dropping bombs? You can write.
When you read about a numb-nutted fuck mimicking his role models to better help his followers understand why he wants to be like the dregs of historical mistakes? You need to write.
There was a time you had so much to say, but that time has passed? No, it hasn’t.
Sitting down to compose is an act of peace, an act of calm action, and it’s good for you.
No matter how you approach it, how you manage to keep still, it’s an effort that rewards your mental health.
You can plan to write, do the writing, and look forward to writing again.
That’s the bandwagon to jump on.
Are you jumping yet?
If you find yourself attracted to a man who threatens others, what makes you think you won’t be next?
Are you jumping yet?
The same man incites a riot because the law isn’t to his liking anymore than an election result?
Are you jumping yet?