Life experience comes in two flavors:
Useful and Not Useful.
Boomerpdx comes in one flavor: Useful.
So let’s look at ‘Life Experience.’
Too often we do something we like to do, but viewed from the outside is ‘pointless, a waste of time, why bother.’
Like writing a blog, you ask?
We’ll get to that.
This is an exchange worthy of life experience:
Man 1: If you dated one women and got married, you have a limited experience in the field.
Man 2: And if you swim in the sea of skanky sluts you get HPV cancer.
Life experience says, “Au contraire. Cancer of any kind does not care about gender or lifestyle.”
In other words, you don’t need to spend a work week at Love Ranch fueled up on cocaine, smack, and viagra to contract HPV 16.
Petite blondes Ryder Cherry and Monica Monroe visited him as often as six times a day for ‘private party sessions’ before entering his room and finding him unconscious at around 2:30pm Tuesday.
Two women, four days, six times a day?
You do the math.
Life Experience Requirement
If you’ve cleared a few hurdles successfully you can try and explain how you did it.
And why.
And no one cares.
However, if you find an issue to be outraged about and get it wrong before you get it right, then get it wrong again, then right again, you’ve got it.
That’s life. It’s no secret. Not a curse. It’s life.
In the first example no one cares because the hurdle was so low anyone could crawl over.
The second example gains attention because of the folly.
You know better than to do something and do it anyway.
People love that story, the one about the idiot, the moron, who can’t see past the nose on their face, who hears words and tries to use them like they see on Reddit.
Be more believable with a better vocabulary.
Know the difference between objective and subjective.
expressing or dealing with facts or conditions as perceived without distortion by personal feelings, prejudices, or interpretations
objective art
an objective history of the war
an objective judgment
characteristic of or belonging to reality as perceived rather than as independent of mind
Conflict Resolution Experience
If you have a problem you need to deal with you can go one of two ways:
Figure it out for yourself. Or,
Get help.
Figuring it out doesn’t include shaming, berating, accusing, blaming.
That track does something though. It makes the conflict worse.
At the same time, getting help doesn’t include finding someone with a similar attitude of shaming, berating, blaming, and accusing.
Any problem you might have won’t change with that approach.
What’s the best way of dealing with a problem?
Avoid personal attacks, shaming, blaming, berating and accusing while using empathy, understanding, and calmness.
If you find yourself screaming obscenities, start over.
But what if you don’t want to start over because you’re comfortable with how things are?
You choose mind over matter? You don’t mind because the problem doesn’t matter?
The echo chamber says, “No problem, forget about it.”
Without life experience you can’t tell a problem from a solution and keep plowing the same dirt expecting a garden to grow.
Everybody loves a nice garden.
If you’ve ever grown one, you know the work involved.
Call it life experience.