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Lancaster to Cambridge after eight days in Thurnham Hall?
Looking at a four hour drive after six hours riding around the Lake District.
Luckily I had a decompression day yesterday for lifting in the gym, a sauna, and a walk out in the fields before a nice dinner.
Vacation, right? Or ‘Mission Possible.’

I talked to a Liverpool guy in the sauna with me whining about how close everyone drives, and not many crashed cars.
“Well, that’s all well and good, but driving here is easy for me.”
So I stopped whining; I was embarrassing myself.
Who needs that.
Then my sauna buddy said, “Twenty years ago I wouldn’t have been welcome here.”
He said his northern accent is looked down upon in certain circles, that there’s a real divide in England between the North and South just above Cambridge.
Today I’ll be looking for that line on the Lancaster to Cambridge highway.


The Mission Possible? Drive On

I’ll be on the blue line of the M6, then the A14, and probably a few more with missed turns.
In other words, a normal day with me and my white knuckles on the wheel.
It ought to be stress free? Sure. Four hours of stress free driving in England.
At least it would be if I grew up here, but from what I hear, if I grew up here I probably wouldn’t stray too far.


The Farmer’s Wisdom

I met a farmer, more of a rancher, with 300 head of cattle.
A gate was open and they were escaping until he jumped out and rounded them up.
He had a nice operation with wife, kids, and his parents in their house just up the road.
He grew up nearby and stayed, building a house, and herding animals.
Was he a traveler? No. Did he have travel aspirations? No, but his wife did, so we know where that’s going.
He was happy right where he was, a forty year old former rugby player letting his cows know who’s the boss.
As we talked I noticed his patience. He probably had visitors walking past on the public land trails all the time.
I called it mingling with the natives and didn’t make a big deal, just conversation, a handshake, and he went back to work.
But I’ll remember him.


Travel Memories

What do you see in these shots of road maps?
I see social structure where everyone, or most everyone, agrees with the rules of the road.
If you disagree, take the train, the bus, or find a driver.
One of my Oregon neighbors said he was coming here, but not driving.
Smart man.
Just looking at a map and plotting a course like my expert wife gives me a headache.
England is packed with transportation options and I’m doing my part.


Part Four Of Five

After starting with one night in a jet lag sleep hotel near the airport, then three days in Bath, three days in Swindon’s Sun Inn, and eight days in Thurnham, off to four days in Cambridge, then three days in London we’re in the home stretch.
The car stays in Cambridge and I’ll miss it while we ride to the big city in a shuttle.
Today’s Mission Possible? Get past Birmingham in between the morning rush hour and lunch time.
It worked on the way to Lancaster, it’ll work going back.
I’ll pack up and go right after I finish writing this blog post in 3, 2, 1 . . .
About David Gillaspie

I am a writer. This is my blog story day by day.