Why do gym memberships jump up in January? I think you know why, so I won’t unpack that knapsack.
The bigger question is, “Why do gym memberships drop in February?”
One reason is old habits are hard to break for newly minted gym rats. Whether you keep a tight schedule or float from moment to moment, adding something extra is a hard fit.
Another reason is lack of results in the gym. Spending decades falling behind doesn’t change in a month, but that’s the idea. Nothing changes instantly and that’s the part of instant gratification that drives people away.
Neither of those are the big reasons for dropping out of gym life before it starts, though.
The biggest reason to turn away from fitness, from improved health through weightlifting, from cardio and dance? Because people join just another gym, which is barely a step up from the garage bench.
Why? Because I joined the ‘other’ gym, not just another gym. I didn’t know anyone, wasn’t interested in meeting new people, but it happened.
One man was an Olympian from 1960 who met Cassius Clay before he became Muhammad Ali. I met Rowdy Roddy Piper and his son. In two days I knew I’d found my special place.
Like anything new I found some disappointments right away. The classes in the dance studio were distracting, I didn’t like the locker room, and the weights were too heavy.
I got adjusted, set goals, and started cranking on workouts. It felt like a new lease on life, the way I felt when I set my sights on running a marathon and did it. I would get strong, and I did.
More than one gym rat said their workouts were life savers. I agreed. I still agree. Without reservations I can say the gym saved my life, at least the life I want to live.
My mental health was challenged after I volunteered to be a home caregiver for my father in law in my home. Man, it got to me eventually. I turned the corner when I started thinking I was doing more than lifting for me. I told the old man I lifted for him, too.
We turned into a team and I was the quarterback, the point guard, the captain, and coach. I was pumped up, let me tell you. Then I saved a life and it became my gym, the other gym, not just another gym, a sweat shop, a grunt house.
If you plan on making gym time part of your day, or you just joined, go out of your way to make it your gym. Do copycat workouts, volunteer for spotter work, and don’t drop the weights.
Join the other gym and be an asset to yourself.