I asked about burn out from someone who knows: My wife.
Why does she know about burn out? She’s lived with me for three and a half decades.
She knows the drill.
What’s the thing about feeling burned out, I asked?
Being tired was her response. I didn’t take it personally.
However, that wasn’t the answer I was looking for. The new burn out is more than being tired, though it is exhausting.
After a quick run through definitions and symptoms, I’ve come to one conclusion: someone telling about feeling burned out are not lying. Also, they’re not trying to hog all the attention.
Burn out comes with feelings of exhaustion and so much more. Add in isolation, withdrawal, misguided introspection, memory loss, stress, anxiety. The link points to a Forbes article from 2013, before anyone had heard of covid19 and quarantine. Before mask mandates.
If it was bad for people way back then, what’s it been like for the same people today?
How’s it been for the segment of the population who see burn out as weakness?
Instead of telling others to get a grip, shake yourself, and move on, what’s their new commandment?
Help. Help me. Please, someone help.
Asking for help is the part they don’t say out loud. Instead, they act out.
The damage in their burned out brain allows them to make credible excuses for bad behavior.
After four years of listening to a litany of lies everyday from the man replacing George ‘I never told a lie’ Washington, amateur shit-talkers struck out on their own.
They see no evil, hear no evil, but they spout evil like it’s a birthright. They may not be evil, but if it looks like a skunk and smells like a skunk, it might be a giraffe? No, they’re skunks, big, space eating, evil skunks.
Adding to the darkness, they’ve had a platform to spew from. An ugly Australian-born nut job pulls the strings on media puppets to misinform an already misguided audience.
Every issue or event that might possibly rile up viewers gets filtered through industrial grade jackass membranes before public release.
Random gun violence isn’t about guns, it’s about freedom, the cost of freedom. What’s the cost? Deadly mass shootings.
Yahoo!Sports has this headline: The US has had nearly 200 mass shootings in 2021 so far. Here’s the full list.
Yahoo!Sports? What they don’t say is that it wasn’t about guns nearly 200 times. Gun violence is never about guns. Gun deaths are never about guns.
Even when a punk-ass says they could shoot someone on 5th Avenue without worry, it’s not about guns.
Is anyone who hasn’t been randomly shot, or had friends and family killed by random shooters, burned out from hearing how it’s never about guns? Raising my hand.
Women’s Health Burn Out
Before every old white man on IV viagra says another word about women’s health and abortion, look at the whole picture. Roe v Wade is the law, has been since 1973.
Following four years of an admitted “grab ’em by the pussy” man filling federal court vacancies with judges hostile to women’s reproductive health rights, the agreed upon law is on shaky ground.
What’s the result?
I knew a happily married couple who were expecting. The happy husband informed his wife with, “I know how pregnant ladies get, so don’t worry about fulfilling your matrimonial duties. I’ve lined up a lady down the street for sex.”
Does this sound like words of welcome to a new member in the family? They had their baby, then planned to divorce, but the lady got pregnant during the interim. Since abortions were illegal at the time, she went back alley.
The times were the late 1930’s. The lady had a name, but I called her Grandma. She had some memories fit for modern times.
Men in positions of power today plowed through the sixties and seventies. They were young people once witnessing other young people doing things. The results of Tune In, Turn On, and Drop Out were new. They heard about Free Love.
Behind closed doors they celebrated what they condemn in public. Following their serial adulterer leader with a past of too many sexually assault accusations to list, they still come down hard on women.
But people change, die, or both. The problem is younger generations picking up the same flawed logic. ‘If it worked for them, why wouldn’t it work for me.’
Ignorance Burn Out
Here in the land of the free and home of the brave, people have freedoms unheard of in other parts of the world.
We have there freedom to speak to power without accidentally slipping and falling out of a ten story parking garage.
Going further, we have the right to dissent without getting poisoned for an opinion.
But there is still an ignorance bar to get over.
If you ever get into enough trouble to require hiring a lawyer, like getting arrested for storming the U.S. Capitol for example, hire the right guy. Who might that be?
Most importantly don’t hire one who says this out loud:
“A lot of these defendants — and I’m going to use this colloquial term, perhaps disrespectfully — but they’re all fucking short-bus people,” Watkins told TPM. “These are people with brain damage, they’re fucking retarded, they’re on the goddamn spectrum.”
“But they’re our brothers, our sisters, our neighbors, our coworkers — they’re part of our country. These aren’t bad people, they don’t have prior criminal history. Fuck, they were subjected to four-plus years of goddamn propaganda the likes of which the world has not seen since fucking Hitler.”
With this kind of clarity, I’d like to hear Albert Watkins’ opinion on women’s health and random gun violence. Are innocent people killed by guns? Can women be trusted to decide their own future?
This salty talking lawyer might be a good interview. Your thoughts?