I knew older men who’d been everywhere, done everything, and could drive any car ever invented.
They’d had every job from sales executive to mailman, to factory worker, to fighter pilot in three wars.
Sometimes it was true.
One of them said he was shot down and imprisoned on a Japanese held island in WWII. He broke out and swam to a nearby island. A few hundred miles away. Where he met John Kennedy and together they carved a message on a coconut shell.
In the Korean War he flew jets with Ted Williams and John Glenn and took a rocket for each. The first time he crashed he ended up shipped to China, where he escaped with the help of a Doolittle Raider who’d been stranded there for nine years and lived to fly again.
The second time he crashed he was shipped to Russia, where he escaped with help from the last living Romanov and made his way to safety.
During the Vietnam War he was on the same cell block as John McCain. They were signal pen pals tapping on the walls of the Hanoi Hilton.
In between wars he was an all-American football player for University of Michigan. A rover, or monster back on the defense so tough and fast he shut down every teams running game and passing game.
After graduating magna and summa cum laude with degrees in history, english, architecture, art history, business, and veterinary school, all in three years, he would play for the Detroit Lions.
But the flying bug never left, so he quit football to become a commercial airline pilot where he would initiated new designs in aerospace technology. His expertise, though unknown to the public, was so forward thinking that he was included as a stealth crew member of the Challenger Space Shuttle.
His mission was to fix navigational computers in the International Space Station, and try out the new escape pod capsule he created to dock with the station.
During the Challengers fateful re-entry he used the same pod to escape the exploding spacecraft. He would show the object he piloted in the debris field in space.
Older men have choices to make. Either be true to themselves, or spice up the story. Too often they open the wrong end of the spice top and instead of sprinkles they get a flood.
One man said he voted. Said he voted for Mr. Trump. Said he was making more money with the tax cuts. He seemed like a normal guy until he said, “I voted for Trump, and I like some of things he’s doing, but he’s crazy.”
The conversation lasted a few minutes longer. I kept wondering if I was talking to one of the doctors who call their surgery a success even when the patient dies.
“Hey, he’s got a great heart now. That stroke in recovery was unfortunate. He was doing great right up until then.”
Have you heard that one about older men?
Who’s got YOUR nose?