Normal historical times are also called boring, stuck in a rut, and monotonous times.
Too much normal can drive people crazy.
Nothing ever changes? Or maybe you don’t understand how changes happen.
Is everything too slooooooooow for your liking?
This is where Trump filled the void for his short-attention-span crowd.
With his daily tweet-storm of bullshit never ending, his cult grew more needy, more glued to THEIR MAN, and needed to hear something, anything, from him as often as he could put something together.
His addiction became their addiction.
As a content producer I can understand the pressure to put something out. But there are limits.
I was once on a double date in college with a buddy, my girl, and her friend. Normal times for everyone.
But my pal started telling his date about his parents and how much he missed them after they died in a car accident.
The odd thing was I’d had dinner with his parents earlier in the week.
Later, I asked him why he told his date his parents were dead, and he said, “I ran out of things to talk about.”
If that happens, and it does, why not be a better date and talk about them?
I think Trump had a similar take during his date with America during historical times.
He even asked his people if they missed him before he got banned from the two big social media platforms as well as getting impeached twice.
Different Is Better?
Trump showed up as a different sort of candidate, which projected to being a different kind of president.
He was the kind who called the White House a dump,
He was the kind who didn’t enjoy the work, but enjoyed the notoriety.
His election was the capstone of his career, proof that he was all that he thought he was, and encouraged his cabinet to sing his song.
The Hospitality King wore a heavy crown on his shaggy head.
This was a man who understood how to navigate history by ignoring it. That’s no recipe for normal historical times anytime.
If something didn’t make him look good and feel good, it was bad, fake, a hoax.
Any news story critical of him was Fake News.
And since his fans checked in with their clergymen for agreement, Trump was obviously heaven sent.
About 81 percent of evangelicals voted for Trump in 2016, according to Pew Research Center.
Trump was the kind of president who encouraged the insurrection event on Jan. 6 to fix an election that must be broken because he lost. Was that crowd about 81% evangelical, too?
“Praise the Lord and pass the zip-ties?”
Working To Change History By Shoveling Crap On Normal Historical Times
If Trump’s submissive behavior with Putin in Helsinki wasn’t enough to bring doubt for making America great again, pictures tell the story of those historical times.
Instead of the man his fans pray to, that version of Trump showed a cowed man getting one-upped by a notorious dictator.
I’m no keyboard superhero saying, “Well, if it were me there instead of Trump I would have shown a different face.”
I would have been spooked just being in the same room with Putin, but Trump is a different story.
He looked terrified.
I’m not looking, but I imagine he’s got a reason, a story, for looking so dog-whipped in Putin’s presence.
And now, with Putin sending Russia into Ukraine with a full load of take-over, Trump is in full fan-boy mode of his idol.
What does Ukraine have to look forward to when the leader of the invading force doesn’t consider it a country?
What does he consider the people in the country he doesn’t consider a country?
I’ll go first. I don’t know what he considers other people, but here’s who they are:
Unwilling Victims
Who are willing victims? Are they the Americans who may find themselves relocated based on their previous bowing and scraping?
Stand by for weak actor updates. This about Mike Pompeo from his home state paper:
Why say: “He is a very talented statesman. He has lots of gifts,” as Pompeo did during a Fox News appearance?
The answer hurts. Much of the modern U.S. conservative movement has transformed into an autocracy-hungry, power-worshipping faction. They don’t see Putin as a threat to liberal democracy. They see him and Russia as a model for their own leaders to emulate. Far-right and white supremacist groups believe much the same. That’s not even mentioning the strings the Russian leader pulled to aid Trump’s election in 2016.
Pompeo has moderated his tone slightly in recent days, tweeting Monday that “Vladimir Putin is the aggressor. The Ukrainians are the victims. We should never shy away from that.”
That’s the right message, finally. But which comments did they hear in Moscow?
How does a smart guy like Mike Freaking Pompeo stoop to shit-talk? The guy graduated from West Point before going to Harvard Law.
Shame on you, pal. This praise for Putin is a stink that won’t wash off. These are not normal historical times.